
CSSS 2006 Santa Fe-Participants: Difference between revisions

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email 1: bburnsid (at) unm (dot) edu<br />
email 1: bburnsid (at) unm (dot) edu<br />
email 2: bill (underscore) burnside (at) yahoo (dot) com<br />
email 2: bill (underscore) burnside (at) yahoo (dot) com<br />
phone (home): 505-243-3920
phone (home): 505-243-3920<br />
Dept of Biology
Dept of Biology<br />
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Revision as of 04:36, 3 July 2006

CSSS 2006 Santa Fe

Katharine Anderson
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
email: andersok (at) umich (dot) edu
Suite 2 #6

Sandra Arndt
Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
email: arndt (at) geo (dot) uu (dot) nl
room ext: 4307
Sunflower 8

Stefan Braunewell
University of Bremen, Germany
Calliope 10A
room ext: 4155

William Burnside
email 1: bburnsid (at) unm (dot) edu
email 2: bill (underscore) burnside (at) yahoo (dot) com
phone (home): 505-243-3920
Dept of Biology
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Mike Butters
Nativis, San Diego, CA

Juan Calderon
email: ju-cald1 (at) uniandes (dot) edu (dot) co
room ext: 4157
Calliope 12
Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
Home page

Fabrice Cavarretta - Calliope 13 ext. 4158
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Email: Fabrice.Cavarretta(@) Mob:+33 6 09 59 46 74
MSNM: AIM/YM: fcaspam Skype: fcavarretta

Brian Chapados
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA

Basit Chaudhry
UCLA/RAND, Los Angeles, CA email: basitchaudhry(at)
mobile: 310 359 3729
Calliope rm 15

Arturo Chavoya- Polyhymnia 25 Ext.4230
Universite de Toulouse I, France
Email & MSNM: achavoya AT hotmail DOT com

Adrian de Froment Calliope 15a, ext 4161
Princeton University, NJ
Email: adriande at princeton dot edu; Phone: 609 933 3177
MSN: adriandefroment at hotmail dot com; AIM: adriandefrom

Matina Donaldson
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Email: donaldso at eva dot mpg dot de
Mobile: (206) 403-6182
Location: Suite 2, Room 10

Haifeng Du
Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, Stanford, CA

Johan Elkink
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
All details can be found here: [1]

Dietrich Falkenthal

Sebastian Fallert
University of Cambridge, UK

Anna Fedor
Eötvös Lorán University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Alessandro Gagliardi - Calliope 22
Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
Tel: 917.805.9797
Email: alessandro [at] gagliardi [dot] name
AIM: soleklypse

Sam Garg
Stanford University, USA
US mobile: 650-714.4973
Email: samgarg [at] stanford [dot] edu
MSN:; Skype: samgarg2005; GoogleTalk:gargshub
Calliope 23, Tel Ext: 4168

Harry Halpin
University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Douglas Hoskins
Boeing, Seattle, WA

Izzat Jarudi
Yale University, New Haven, CT
izzat.jarudi at yale dot edu

Elham Kashefi
Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Nikhil Kaza
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
nkaza (AT) UIUC (doT) edu 217 419 4232(c) Calliope 26 - extn. 4172

Heinz Koeppl
University of California, Berkeley, CA

Cornelia Kreutzer
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

Lukas Kroc
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
email: kroc at cs dot cornell dot edu
cell: 607-342-5267
SJC campus: suite 1, room 4

Jonathan Lafky
University of Pittsburgh, PA
email address backwards: moc.liamg@ykfalj
Cell: four one two 849 719five
Suite 1, room 5.

Elizabeth Leicht
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
email: eleicht at umich dot (standard academic ending)
cell: 734-triple two-753 one

Tamas Makany
University of Southampton, Hampshire, UK
Polyhymnia, room 10
ext: 4214
email: tamas.makany(at)

Michael Makowsky
George Mason University, Falls Church, VA Urania, room 16a email: mmakowsk(at)

Christopher Marton - Polyhymnia 11 A&B ext.4216
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
email: cmarton at mit dot edu

Greg McInerny
Polyhymnia 12, St Johns. EXT 4217.
University of Leeds/The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory, Leeds, UK

Patrick Meier
The Fletcher School, Boston MA
Email: Patrick.Meier(@); Cell:+1 646-361-2645
Skype ID: patrickmeierskype
Web: PhD Profile and Research

Charlie Messina Suite 1, Room 1
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Johnston, IA
Email: cdm430 AT yahoo DOT com

Javier Muñoz García
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Madrid, Spain
Location on campus: Polyhymnia 14; Phone (505) 995-4219
Email: jamunoz*AT*; messenger:javiermunozgarcia*AT*

Andreea Munteanu
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Location on campus: Suite 2, room 3, phone (505) 995-4303
Email: andreea.munteanu(AT)

Christoph Neugebauer
University of Cambridge, UK
Location on campus: Polyhymnia 15, ext. 4220
email: cjn24 AT

Paul Newton
Boeing, Seattle, WA

Linsey O'Brien
MITRE, Bedford, MA

Michael Raghib Moreno
Princeton University, NJ
Polyhymnia 16, (505) 995 4221
mraghib at math at princeton dot edu

Valentin Robu
CWI, Dutch Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: robu at cwi dot nl
Location on campus: Polyhymnia 16A

David Rojas
NASA, Hampton, VA

Akiko Satake
Princeton University, NJ

David Schaefer
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Email: david dot schaefer at asu dot edu
Location on campus: Polyhymnia 26

Susanne Schindler
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Email: Susanne dot Schindler at mis dot mpg dot de
Location on campus: Suite 2, room 5, ext 4304

Jie Shao
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

Hana Shepherd
Princeton University, NJ
On campus: Suite 5, room 2, ext. 4330
hshepher [at] princeton [dot] edu
303 859-7238

Tetsuya Shoji
Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan

Andrew Stout
U. Massachusetts - Amherst, Sunderland, MA

Andrea Tanzer
University of Vienna, Austria
location on campus: suite 5, room 3, phone (505) 995-4331
skype: atanzer

Jorge Tavares
University of Coimbra, Portugal
jast [at] dei [dot] uc [dot] pt
Polyhymnia, room 21, (505) 995-4225

Marko Thaler
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Brian Tivnan

Spandan Tiwari
University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MI

Maria Vivien Visaya
Kyoto University, Japan
v3isaya [at] math [dot] kyoto-u [dot] ac [dot] jp

Jack Waddell
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Saskia Werners
Wageningen University and Research Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands room 5 in D5 (building 41). ext 4333 E: saskia -at-

Ryan Woodard
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK