
Tamas Makany

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Hello! I am Tamas Makany, a cognitive psychology PhD student at the University of Southampton, UK. I did my psychology MA in Hungary, and subsequently another masters degree (MSc) in the United Kingdom, where I live at the moment. My broad research interests are spatial exploration, navigation strategies, behavioural pattern formation and decision-making.

The type of questions that puzzled me for the last 6 years or so is related to how adaptive biological and artificial systems interact with their spatial environment? More particularly, i'm interested in how incoming spatial information is represented (or I should rather say organized) during this interaction between the individual and its surrounding? In other words, I am trying to understand the various behavioural and cognitive strategies that adaptive, complex systems adopt in various spaces to optimize their spatial behaviour?

I hope that in Santa Fe I will be able to conceptualize some of my past, current, and future work within the theoretical framework of complex systems. I am looking forward to this Summer School with an open-minded attitude to interdisciplinary approaches on dynamic and non-linear aspects of cognition in the spatial and other domains.

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