
CSSS 2009 Santa Fe-Project Presentations

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

CSSS Santa Fe 2009

The Impact of Gender Imbalance on Marriage Markets

The basic concept is to try to model the effects of "marriage markets" with more men in them than women or vice-versa. Examples of social groups which experience a gender imbalances in marriage markets include: most religious groups, college campuses, some large cities (such as New York and Washington, DC), the African-American community, and some nations (notably China). Brian Hollar

Team: Dave Brooks, Wendy Ham, Nathan Hodas, Brian Hollar, Liliana Salvador, and Guimei Zhu

Agent-based modeling of fluidic self-assembly

I am building a home-made agent-based physical simulator of fluidic self-assembly for micro/nanoelectronical devices. Both 2D and 3D settings are presented. The proposed framework may constitute the first step in the introduction of this new approach to this emerging and challenging electronic manufacturing technique. - Massimo Mastrangeli

The roundtable: segregation in conversation dynamics

The goal of this project is to build a simple (but not too simple) model of realistic social conversation dynamics. Abstracting from semantics and contents, our baseline model includes balance of protagonism vs. aggregation for each fellow, individuality, connection topology and memory effects. Ultimately we would model the dynamics of cocktail party conversations. - Massimo Mastrangeli, Martin Schmidt, Lucas Lacasa

A matching model of problems and solutions

We are building a NetLogo model to represent the mechanisms in which problems and solutions search for and find each other. David Brooks, Wendy Ham, Nathan Hodas, Brian Hollar, and Liliana Salvador

Determining spatial contact networks for pathogen transmission

We have weekly measles outbreak reports from 60 urban cities in England and Wales dating from 1944 to 1967. It appears that several cities may act as pathogen sources from which the disease spreads to surrounding cities. We plan to reconstruct this spatial contact network for the measles data and, in doing so, introduce a method for inferring such networks for other disease outbreaks. - Sasha Mikheyev, Kate Behrman, Erin Taylor

  • Presentation
  • Google motion chart of measles data (sheet "MeaslesOutbreaks") [1]

Foraging on the Move

Summary:In this project we develop a model for organisms that forage in groups while migrating (e.g. caribou, wildebeest), to understand how individuals should balance foraging and flocking behaviors. (Final Presentation)

Members (Group Page): Allison Shaw, Andrew Berdahl, Kate Behrman, Liliana Salvador, Steven Lade

The Effect of Gossip on Social Networks

Summary: In this project we look at the effects of the spread of gossip (defined as information passed between two individuals A and B about an individual C who is not present) on social network structure.

Members (Group Page): Allison Shaw, Chang Yu, David Brooks, Milena Tsvetkova, Roozbeh Daneshvar

Terrorist Networks: Radicalization Mechanisms and Spread Control

Members Alhaji Cherif, Hiro Yoshioka, Prasanta Bose, and Wei Ni

Final Presentation

1,2,3, language! Building the phylogenetic tree of language with numbers

Members Andrew Berdahl, Lucas Lacasa

Final Presentation

Percolation in Google

Members Andrew Berdahl, Lucas Lacasa, Jacopo Tagliabue

Final Presentation

Deconstructing CSSS09 Social Network

CSSS09 is a group of people interested in complex systems who are randomly chosen to attend the one month summer school. The international and interdisciplinary group spends four weeks together learning, discussing and working on projects related to complex systems. We are analyzing the social interaction of this network and the network change over time.

Members Margreth Keiler, Murad Mithani, Roozbeh Daneshvar, Wendy Ham

Water: A critical resource in a dynamical world

The objective of the project is to model the coupled human-water systems using heterogeneous agents employing prediction models to determine actions to represent the non-linear behaviour of economic and political systems and water processes. We work on an agent-based-model focusing on interactions and feedback loops of hydrologic and human systems to gain more insight of the dynamic of this coupled system.

Members Hamid Benbrahim, Jennifer Terpstra, Karen Simpson, Margreth Keiler, Greta

Final Presentation

Analyzing Contagion in Heterogeneous Networks

Using the real-life data for the flu shots "contagion", and generating an agent based model, the project intends to analyze contagion in a network in which all the nodes have various levels of threshold for changing. The project intends to investigate if the thresholds are various, can that lead to new behaviors in group level? Also includes an analytical analysis and investigation of dynamics of disease spreading in view of immunity-wise classification of regions/clusters.

Members Roozbeh Daneshvar, Lara Danilova-Burdess, Karen Simpson, Jeremy Barofsky, Varsha Kulkarni

Impact of Teacher’s Qualification and Effort on Students’ Performance

In the project, we study the impact of teacher's quality (in term of qualification (proxy by salary), and sets of activities s/he organizes) on minority/marginalized students. Under Chinese elite educational system, there is a large group of marginalized high school students who have been ignored due to the emphasis on exam-oriented results. As a result, teachers have primarily paid more attention to good students since number of good students produced by a teacher is used as a promotion marker which is in turn used as a salary increase index. This practice has unattended consequences on various socio-economic factors, drop-out rates and crime rates.

Members Chang Yu , Alhaji Cherif

"Mom made me do it" - The evolution of division of labor via maternal manipulation

Summary: In this project we build and analyzed an agent-based model of the evolution of division of labor via maternal manipulation.

Members : Mauricio Gonzalez-Forero, Mareen Hofmann

The Effect of Disaggregation on disease spreading in a network

Summary: Drawing upon past research, this project investigates the dynamics of disease spreading when a network is divided into diverse clusters.

By : Varsha Kulkarni

Parallel Agent Based Models

Overview Agent based models (ABMs) are characterized by purposive intelligent agents which interact to yield complex emergent behaviors. While each agent operates with an autonomous localized set of rules, these rules typically involve interactions among agents and with the agents’ environment, presenting challenges when attempting to simulate very large populations of agents. At the same time, the scaling properties of complex adaptive systems are such that it is important to study the properties of an ABM over wide ranges of population size. This is because the emergent properties of a system typically change with scope and scale: mammalian basal metabolic rate scales sublinearly with animal mass, and incidence of crime in a city scales superlinearly with city population size. This presentation describes work proposed towards deploying a spatial ABM to a distributed-memory computational cluster.

By Matt McMahon

Towards an Economic Geography of State Emergence

Overview: We propose an agent-based model to investigate the demographic pattern in the Titicaca basin observed during the Tiwanaku Empire, a state-level society that rose and fell between approximately 500 B.C. and A.D. 1100. The rationale for the dynamics is provided by Paul Krugman's work on economic geography; in particular, the model allows to explore the hypothesis that the complex interplay between increasing return to scale for manufacturing - as a "centripetal force" - and transportation costs - as a "centrifugal force" - can account for the empirical distribution of settlements in the region through the different periods.

Members : Randy Haas, Jacopo Tagliabue, Jeremy Barofsky