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Disease ecology of media hype
How much and event gets covered in the news often appears to depends on how much it is already covered in the news. Often this distorts reality. For example, the number of searches for "swine flu" (a proxy for media hype), do not reflect the patterns of disease spread over the same period.

While the number of flu cases increased, the searches died off, as interest in the topic waned. It would be interesting to follow the origin, spread and extinction of media hype, maybe applying models commonly used to study the spread of disease. Alexander Mikheyev
You could look at the dynamics from agent-based (ABM) perspective. There is a recent paper by Epstein and colleague that focuses on the impact of fear on disease from agent-based perspective, but does not capture this dynamics. However, my collaborator and I are currently writing a paper on the same problem you just outline from mathematical epidemiological perspective. Our results show some interesting dynamics. I think its extension in ABM might provide richer dynamics. Another relevant paper: S. Funk, E. Gilad, C. Watkins and V.A.A Jansen (2009) the spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks. PNAS early edition Alhaji Cherif
Housing prices.

The New York Times has a set of dramatic graphs showing the rise and fall of home prices in select cities. Again these graphs reminded me a bit of those produced by susceptible-infected-recovered models of disease spread. Maybe there is something to it? Or maybe this phenomenon is already well understood by economists? Alexander Mikheyev
Movie Turnouts
Which would be the more popular movie -- a combination of Steven Spielberg, Eddie Murphy and Gwyneth Paltrow, or Woody Allen, Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson, and Tom Cruise? Using the adaptation and turnout models presented by Nathan Collins, could we construct a prediction for gross movie receipts or even movie ratings? Nathan Hodas
Climate network model.
Requires someone with climatology knowledge. Lenton et al. recently published a paper listing 'policy-relevant' 'tipping elements' in the Earth's climate system and the temperature tipping points required to initiate them. (Basically, the tipping elements are components of the climate system where a bifurcation leading to a different stable state can be induced. The tipping point is the temperature at the bifurcation.) Surely, many of these tipping elements would have feedback effects on other tipping elements or the climate system as a whole. I would like to make a network model of these tipping elements and look at the tipping (or other) dynamics of the whole system. But Lenton et al. don't discuss these feedbacks much in their model, so we need some expert knowledge. Steven Lade
Almut Brunner Sounds like a very challenging project. As climate modelling is a very broad issue in itself, I would suggest to look at a specific example of threshold values in climate models, e.g. changes in rainfall patterns in Saharan environment and its impact on vegetation cover and finally desertification. It is known, for example, that if the rainfall amount in the Sahara drops below a critical value of 100mm/yr, the vegetation cover will change extremely due to reduced water availability and hence cause irreversible environmental changes. But I am not sure, if we could model that due to complicated/complex feedback mechanism and limited access to data. Another idea could be to simulate the other extreme - increased rainfalls. Is there a critical threshold value/tipping point causing extreme floods and environmental hazards in exposed, vulnerable landscapes (e.g. lowlands, coastal regions or even around here in the Grand Canyon region for which we can certainly get some nice data?). Looking forward to discuss these issues a bit more with you. What kind of model did you have in mind for simulating tipping point and feedback mechanism?
Steven Lade I wasn't thinking of modelling any of the physics or ecology directly, but at a coarse level with something like
node_i (time) = f_i[global temperature(time - delay_i), outputs of other nodes(time - delay_i)] global temperature(time) = IPCC[time] + g[outputs of nodes(time)]
Each of the nodes would be a local tipping element. Lenton et al. already provide the global average temperature thresholds for the tipping elements and the time delay for the element to actually tip. We can then specify the part of the function f_i[global temperature]
with something like a sigmoidal function. For the base time course of global temperature we could use IPCC projections or hold it fixed and just see what the feedbacks do to it. What Lenton et al. doesn't specify in detail is these feedbacks -- i.e. the dependence of nodes and the global temperature on the other nodes. Someone suggested to me that for a more abstract study we could look at the behaviour of the system over a range of possible feedbacks.
Synchronised magma oscillations
Requires someone with geological knowledge In a recent paper, which was also reported by New Scientist, Mjelde and Faleide report on seismological measurements that allowed them to infer past rates of magma flow in the plume generally though to rise beneath Iceland. When the plume is strong it thickens the Earth's crust at this point. They found the crust thickened approximately every 15 million years, and inferred that the magma plume must also have pulsed with this period. These pulsations have also been observed in the crust under Hawaii, with almost exactly the same period! Mjelde and Faleide hypothesise that there must be some giant heating oscillation in the Earth's core which drives these two oscillations at very different parts of the Earth. But other geologists are skeptical because of the huge energy required and lack of other evidence of such oscillations. But all this reminds me of the synchronisation phenomenon, where coupled oscillators, even if only weakly coupled, tend to synchronise. So the oscillations under Hawaii and Iceland may be generated independently, but have some weak coupling that has led them to synchronise. We can make coupled oscillator models, that's easy, but someone to provide more context on possible forms of coupling and their parameterisation is more what we need. They only observe about three periods of this oscillation and the data is quite imprecise so we can't do much direct data analysis, unfortunately. Steven Lade
Implementing Synchronization using NetLogo
Since I just learned about NetLogo, I look forward to the tutorial sessions and would like to implement a synchronization scheme of a group of entities. If I find out how the fireflies synchronize themselves, then that would be an option. Of course, I'll be surprised if this has not been done before in NetLogo. I'll welcome any help and suggestions.Mahyar Malekpour
The Global Spread of Cricket
No I'm not actually intending to study this particular topic. But there is one interesting article published in 2005 (Kaufman and Patterson, American Sociological Review) that examined why cricket continues to be popular in many British-influenced societies while it is not in the U.S. and Canada. This is interesting given the fact that cricket was very popular in the two countries and that the first official international cricket match took place between the two countries in the mid-19th century. So, not only how cultures, ideas, technologies, etc. diffuse across nations, populations, and so on, but also mechanisms that influence the retention after the initial adoption merit serious attention I think. One possible topic include is modern contraceptive use in developing countries. I guess modeling such mechanisms would require taking into account the models presented by Nathan Collins and Peter Dodds, in addition to signed networks (Doreian). One difficulty of modeling this kind of mechanism is that both structural and individual factors should be considered Hirotoshi Yoshioka.
There is a nice article by H. Peyton Young ('Social Dynamics: Theory and Applications', Handbook of Computational Economics, Vol. II; you can download it at http://www.econ.jhu.edu/people/young/Publications.html) which investigates the evolution of norms or conventions in an agent-based modelling / evolutionary game theoretic setting (in our small library there is also a whole book about that by Peyton Young). It might be interesting to analyze the diverging popularity of cricket in those countries (which can be interpreted as a kind of convention) in this framework. Mareen Hofmann
Contagion in Networks
Peter Dodds discussed contagion in a simplified network in which all the nodes have certain amount of threshold for changing. I thought that if the thresholds are various, that can lead to new behaviors in group level. For instance, people in different cities might have different resistances against inputs. Hence, we might see that an epidemic issue spreads in one city but not in the other. Consider the cities as nodes in a higher level network. This means that we might see the same patterns in this higher level. Different nodes (cities) react differently to external inputs. This also seems to be a more realistic model of the real world. Any comments, suggestions or discussions, even in the order of minutes are appreciated! Roozbeh Daneshvar
Perhaps this concept could be related to ecological food webs and the success of invasive species. The "epidemic" would be an introduced species, and the "spreading of the disease" would be how successful the alien species is within that food web. There are plenty of journal articles attempting to study the success of biological invasion, and I think in addition to looking at the food web networks, generating an agent based model would be ideal! It could be related to your idea, Roozbeh, in that the cities represent "habitats", and the "epidemics" represent the introduction of an alien species.
Introducing Agent-Based Modeling: Several concepts (external and internal inputs) have been discussed that are said to contribute to whether or not a species succeeds in it's novel environment. These include: how many individuals are in the founding population, the "strength" of any competing organisms (this would be 0 is there are no competitors), the amount resources available, the ability of organism to adapt to the new environment, physiological advantages of new species over native species (i.e. defense mechanisms), and many more. I think we could find properties of ecological foodwebs, and then introduce a species (or epidemic) into the network and see what happens based on these inputs.
Let me know your thoughts. Karen Simpson
Linking topology to dynamic response in small networks
Imagine a small (3-7 nodes) network where every node represents a protein species, and every (directed) edge the activation relation between the proteins (i.e. A ---> B means that the protein A can react with B and activate it). Furthermore, assume that there are two numbers associated with every node: the total number of protein molecules of the given type and the fraction of the active forms. Finally, let two nodes, R and E, be special and call them the Receptor and the Effector. What you have is a crude model of intracellular signalling.
This paper considers such models and exhaustively classifies all the possible topologies (i.e. wirings) with respect to the activation pattern of the Effector in response to a standardized signal sent by the Receptor. The goal of our project would be to do the same experiment using different tools, and potentially obtain different results. The main difference would be to use stochastic (rather than deterministic) dynamics to determine the response. As the signalling systems operate with relatively low numbers of molecules, stochastic effects may be important. If we do this and have time left, we can try pushing it further and consider the issues of robustness and evolvability of these networks.
To put a nasty spin on the project, I propose that we use an obscure computational technique called model checking to get the response profile of a network; partly just because we can, but partly also because it nicely deals away with the need of explicitely simulating and averaging of stochastic models.
Now, a couple of final remarks:
- Don't think of it as a network project. All networks involved will be rather trivial.
- The project group should include a biologist (to do sanity checks) and somebody familiar with parallel computing.
- Model checking is (very) expensive computationally, we will probably need a cluster.
- I have all the original results from the paper mentioned.
- The tool to use would probably be PRISM.
- Marek, this dovetails nicely with my interests & I'd like to talk more about it with you. I have experience with -- and access to! -- a parallel cluster. No experience with prism, however. Rosemary Braun
- OK then, I am going to start a From Topology to Response project page. We still need a biologist. Marek Kwiatkowski
If you did not do this yet, I suggest you to have a look at "Small Worlds" by Duncan Watts. It containts useful information, models and mathematics on the topic. -Massimo Mastrangeli
Pattern Generation in Dynamic Networks: Elucidating Structure-to-Behavior Relationships
Many sorts of networks produce patterns when dynamics are active on them. The brain is a great example. In fact, the patterns generated in your head are not only interesting and perhaps beautiful, but crucial to your success in surviving and thriving in the world. Gene or protein networks are another example. Change a few genes around and suddenly your stuck with a nasty disease.
One question we can ask is: how do the patterns of behavior (or "function" if you want to presume as much) change when we change the structural connections in the dynamic network from which they emerge? Alternatively, for a given type of behavior (set of similar patterns), is there a class of networks which all exhibit this behavior? What is common between all of those networks? What is the underlying mechanistic explanation for how they all behave this way?
Some potential topics:
- Genetics - what patterns of proteins emerge depending on what genes are where on a genome? (maybe other questions ... I'm not a geneticist!)
- Spiking neural networks - I have a lot of experience with this.
- Kauffman-like Boolean networks
- Population biology / food webs?
- Economics?
We might even think of embedding this in some physical space. Perhaps neural nets drive the 'muscle' movements of creatures (a la the Karl Sims 'Creatures' video we saw in Olaf Sporn's lecture) or the motors of vehicles.
I have experience in Python, Java, Matlab and a few other languages and am open to working with whatever (NetLogo?). I also have experience with Information Theory, which could come in handy in digesting and analyzing the patterns.
Clearly this project could go multiple directions. Feel free to add ideas/comments here...
- Jacopo Tagliabue: Premise: I don't know if it makes sense at all, and even if it fits the project. I was thinking that just not the fact that some areas are connected makes a difference, but also the way they are connected. For example, the synchronization of neurons plays a pivotal role in the proper behaviour of the brain: when some disease (such as multiple sclerosis) leads to demyelination, the signals in the axioms can no more be processed at the right speed. The upshot is progressive cognitive and physical disability. Can we use agend-base models and/or network analysis to better understand what happens (and why, for example, multiple sclerosis may evolve in four different ways)? If someone with some neuroscience background would like to talk about this (or just explain why this doesn't make sense at all),I'd be glad to learn!
Karen Simpson: This is interesting to me, especially in the case of food webs merely because that is what I am most familiar with. Within an ecological community, there are certain links that depict the dynamics within that community. If we remove a link (or change it somehow, maybe by redirecting it through another organism), the community is stressed. The community may be resilient and the underlying dynamics may shift back to equilibrium. On the other hand, it may lead to the extinction of certain organisms. One way that these links are changed is by introducing another node into the system, this node representing an introduced species. The success of this species depends largely on its position in the food web and its connecting links. My question (from an ecological perspective) is: Does introducing a non-native species result in different underlying dynamics and patterns? My intuition says yes, but it largely depends on the ability of the non-native organism to succeed in it's new environment. (See my thoughts under "Contagion in Networks" for more on this topic)
- Massimo Mastrangeli: The topic looks very interesting. I read a lot on Kauffmans' approach and I would probably like to get dirty hands on it. The idea in my opinion is to create a network with a plausibly vast and interesting state space, and explore it using some tools. Analysis of the dynamics of the transitions from one steady state to another might be interesting.
All sorts of (mostly US-centric) data
For fun, brainstorming, and sanity-checking: data.gov has tons of data collected by the US Gov't.
Problem solving and mating - are they similar?
I was intrigued by Tom's model of mating and began to wonder whether we can think of problem solving in a similar way. If we were to model problem solving, how would we do it? I'd like to think that problems and solutions are components that combine to generate an emergent property. (After a problem meets a solution--or a solution meets a problem--something new is allowed to emerge. While one instance of problem solving does not exactly create a complex system, many instances may.) That said, there are several questions/considerations to think about before/while we create a proper model of problem solving:
- Given a population of information/knowledge, how can we identify what are problems and what are solutions?
- Actually, which comes first: knowledge, information, problems, or solutions?
- What are some important dimensions of problems and solutions? (These dimensions should inform some kind of a matching probability for problems and solutions.)
- What is the difference between problems and solutions anyway?
- What makes certain kinds of problems and solutions "hang out" in a cluster or neighboring clusters? Is this primarily due to path-dependence?
- When there is a difficult problem (tentatively defined as a problem for which there is no nearby solutions), how can we tell which clusters have the greatest probability of containing the solution(s)? (Can some of the network stuff we learned be of help here?)
- It is of course important to remember that a problem can have many solutions, and a solution can solve many problems, but that they may have different degrees of affinity (just like a ligand-receptor interaction in molecular biology). Also, occasionally a problem needs a combination of several solutions ("AND" as opposed to "OR").
I would love to hear your thoughts and comments, and I'm hoping that someone may actually share some of my interests in figuring out the answers to the questions above! Wendy Ham
Murad Mithani: We can look at problem solving as a special case of idea generation. See if you find any parallels between what you have in mind to what is written in the creative process.
David Brooks: This matching of past solutions or components to new problems leads to several interesting topics of discussion: (1) Shouldn't the process of developing a solution path be treated as a potentially complex system, (2) How do we describe the process without providing a falsely formulaic structure (3) When is the problem, the set of goals, and the process considered to be identified and what elements of the description may hint to the fragility of understanding? I have quite a bit of experience researching and addressing these issues and can help if this becomes a project.

Brian Hollar: I've been doing some research for my dissertation on the effects of gender-imbalances on marriage markets and think this would be a fun project to try to model in NetLogo and something that would tie in nicely with Wendy's idea. The basic concept is to try to model the effects of "marriage markets" with more men in them than women or vice-versa, with possible extension to see if this same concept could be expanded to problem-solution matching. Examples of social groups which experience a gender imbalances in marriage markets include: most religious groups, college campuses, some large cities (such as New York and Washington, DC), the African-American community, and some nations (notably China). I am interested in how these gender imbalances affect social norms, marriage and divorce rates, and dating/matching behavior in each of these various groups. Other problem-solution matchings might include: employer-employee, entrepreneur-investor, buyer-seller, etc. If we make the model robust enough, we might be able to extend it to these and other contexts as well.
Some thoughts I have of what to incorporate into the model include:
- The effects of social capital.
- Vision (limited ability to see other agents).
- Open vs. closed groups. (Adjusting rate of entry/exit of agents.)
- Slider-switch for adjusting sex-ratios.
- "Tainting effects" for failure.
- Heterogeneous "attraction" characteristics of each agent.
I'd love to hear ideas anyone might have for this.
Modularity in complex systems - why is it there and what does it do?
Evolving systems often switch from being highly modular to highly integrated, and vice versa. Why is this so and how does it happen? Wendy Ham and Roozbeh Daneshvar.
- Roozbeh Daneshvar: Today in a slide of Olaf Sporns presentation, I noticed a graph showing the relation between order/disorder and complexity. When the system becomes too much ordered or too much disordered, in both cases complexity reduces. There is somewhere in between that we have the most amount of complexity. I was thinking that the emergence of modules are also a movement towards orderliness. But, complex systems do not go beyond a limit and still keep some non-modularity. So, Wendy, we have contrasting views on modularity. But maybe we will meet somewhere in between, where we have the most amount of complexity!
- Question: Why modularity changed in human societies? Did the behavior of complexity change?
- Steven Lade Wendy, can you give some examples for evolving systems moving from "highly modular to highly integrated"? Also Roozbeh I don't understand what you mean by "behavior of complexity". Maybe we should talk.
- I like this idea. Clearly it needs some more fleshing out, but its a good direction. One thing to think about when you see modularity biologically is whether certain 'modules' can be reused multiple places. Komolgorov complexity is something that you might look at... watson
- Wendy Ham Thanks Watson, I will check out the Komolgorov reference. To Steve: Roozbeh and I started thinking about this when we discussed how some societies have evolved from having a clear demarcation between the gender roles (e.g., men work and make money, women stay home and take care of kids) to not having this demarcation anymore (i.e., gender equality, etc). So at least with regards to gender roles, these societies have evolved from being modular to being integrated. As a general rule, I tend to believe that modularity is important for allowing innovation and adaptation, which are important in a changing environment, whereas integration is good for efficiency. So, the question here, for example, is whether these societies have reached a certain level of "stability" such that modularity is no longer important. Aside from this example, people have shown that bacteria that live in changing environments tend to be modular, whereas those that live in a stable environment tend to be more integrated. Furthermore, organizations (e.g., business firms) also tend to become more integrated/tightly coupled as they mature.
Evolving nanomachines
Take the evolving motors animation we saw at the end of Olaf Sporn's talk, but instead put nanoscale physics, i.e. overdamped motion with Brownian noise, into the simulation. Perhaps put some basic chemistry in too. Evolve possible designs for nanomotors! What we get may include existing biological molecular motors. Or even more crazy idea: put in the physics of quantum mechanics. Steven Lade but with credits to Lilliana!
Credit Market Simulation
Money is loaned every day on the bond and money markets between banks, corporations, and individuals. It usually works very efficiently, but, ultimately, it is driven by humans. An agent simulation could provide us with insight into what behavior patterns give rise to the booms and busts that we have been experiencing. My guess is that it boils down to how individuals estimate risk and future reward. Nathan Collins suggested a learning model for how people get habituated to reward, expecting more and more for satisfaction. However, what happens to our estimates of risk in the face of increasing rewards? When the two are out of sync, we would likely see interesting dynamics. We've come up with a few ideas for how to implement this. Nathan Hodas
- Jacopo Tagliabue: It could be interesting to embed insights on risk-seeking and risk-averse behaviour from prospect theory and behavioural economics. I am also interested in agent-based simulations of a simple economy, where agents may use different heuristics (rational decision theory, Simon's model, Kahneman and Tversky theory, etc) to decide what to do. It is often said that in the market "errors cancel each other out", leaving a optimal or quasi-optimal global outcome: but is it true? And what's the relationship between individual strategies and this dynamics?
- john paul: I'd like to throw my weight in with this one to see how this is addressed. Mr. Hodas and I have been talking about real-world risk associated with credit and defaults as noise in a system, and directed flows of current cash, credit and derivatives as three possible visualizations. Ideally we can pull out some real-world credit data and begin to construct a scale market of one economy (or sector of an economy, like government spending) and then hopefully either scale that up or adjust as needed to other data.
- Wendy Ham Do you guys consider credit default swaps (CDS) as a special kind of financial instrument - one that almost completely lacks inhibitory mechanisms and thus is able to grow indefinitely? (Analogy to cancer cells?)
Creative Process
This is a very preliminary attempt to analyze the creative process in order to identify how we come up with ideas.
Creation of ideas as a process of random combination of concepts and connections taking place in the subconscious. Most of these ideas are filtered before reaching the conscious. Those ideas that rise above the conscious are new to the individual, some of which may also be new to the world. We generally classify the latter ideas as creative. Furthermore, the creativity literature refers to ideas as creative only when they are immediately useful in solving some problem or condition.
The existing concepts and connections can be considered as nodes or agents. A new idea can be a combination of at least 2 concepts + a connection or two connections, or some superposition of them. The following rules obey at the subconscious level:
1. The random process is taking place all the time with a single combination at one time
2. Each idea (which is a newly created concept or connection) attempts to pass through a filter. It either passes through or it doesn’t. If it does pass through, the idea is recognized and the coupling between the concepts/connections is raised. Each increase is by a factor of 0.1 (starting from 0) of the existing coupling until it reaches a maximum of 1. If it doesn't pass through, it ceases to exist (however, it may reappear later and given a change in the characteristics of the filter, they may be allowed to pass through).
The rules that define the ideas that pass through are:
1. The database of filters (individual’s understanding of the external environment, self control, etc.) defined in terms of what concept and connection associations are allowed to pass through as well as 20% deviation in them. [Ques: How can the deviation of a concept be evaluated numerically?]
Using complexity theory:
1. Agent based modeling can be used to identify how newer ideas rise to the level of consciousness, how the filters affect them
2. The network analysis can be used to understand how the coupling affects the creation of new ideas (concepts/connections)
Wendy Ham: Hi Murad, there are definitely some overlaps in our interests.
The Biological Evolution and Social Learning of Cooperation
Both evolutionary biologists and social scientists have convincingly shown that cooperation can emerge and persist in human society. Although the two have employed the same methods (game theory and agent-based modeling), they have proposed different mechanisms: on the one hand, biological evolution based on kin selection, group selection, the “green-beard” effect or reciprocity and on the other, socio-cultural adaptation due to social learning. The two mechanisms act on different time scales and make different assumptions on the agents’ behavior (fixed vs adaptive) and the underlying dynamics (reproduction vs imitation). I think it will be interesting to combine the two mechanisms in a single agent-based model and to explore how they relate to each other. Following standard practice, the model will consist of agents on a spatial grid or a(n evolving) network who play a game such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma or Hawk-Dove. Milena Tsvetkova
Nice. Indeed, one can reinterpret things to some extent and understand cultural and biological evolution in similar veins. In both sorts of evolutionary processes, individuals can be assigned fitness. In the biological case fitness refers to ability to leave offspring, while in the cultural case fitness might refer to ability to be imitated by others. So, reproduction can be understood as genetic or cultural. Mainstream evolutionary biologists use these interpretations, but I wonder if they break in some cases. Mauricio Gonzalez-Forero
Mauricio Gonzalez-Forero: Mareen, Varsha and I have sketched a potential agent-based model for the evolution of division of labor. It needs more thought, and the input from social sciences people would be very valuable. The model considers two labors performed by agents and a cooperative trait. Given spatial structure and dispersal restriction, we expect the cooperative trait to allow for the division in labor to evolve. It should be straightforward to implement in NetLogo. After an analysis of the simulations, it would be neat to synthesize the model analytically. Interested people are certainly welcome to help!
Foraging on the move

Allison Shaw: Many animals forage in groups while moving from one location to another. This means individuals have to simultaneously balance several demands: finding the best resources, maintaining the cohesion of the group, and in some cases moving in a certain direction. Can we develop an agent-based model with a simple set of individual movement rules that would allow for all these demands to be met?
This was inspired by a piece of Planet Earth footage on caribou: go to http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/planet-earth/video-player/video-player.html, scroll down in the video clips to "Planet Earth: Plains: Following the Caribou" and watch the dynamics at about 1:30-2:00. (If anyone has a hard copy of this segment or knows how to get one, please let me know!). In this case each individual caribou pauses to eat along the way but the group never fragments and in fact it seems to almost 'flow' through an area. My guess is that one of the physicists could provide some interesting insight on how to model this.
Daniel Wuellner: Cool idea. Most importantly: I actually brought the Planet Earth DVDs with me which I'll happily lend; maybe we can organize a viewing w/ a projector somewhere.
- Roozbeh Daneshvar: Daniel, I am absolutely in for such a preview. Can you upload it in After Hours so that we all watch it together?
I think there's some swarm literature out there for ideas on rules you could extend to incorporate foraging (or any other caribouish behavior). The one I know is Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model (this actually might be the 'original' swarm paper).
Kate Behrman: I also interested in this. One possible extension could be to consider how the structure of the landscape between the two locations affects the movement of the group.
Murad Mithani: It sounds similar to what happens when the cognitive processes are focused on a particular problem to come up with ideas. The initiation of problem solving is a conscious mechanism that flourishes when that initial push is taken away. If you guys are planning to model this in some way, count me in.
Steven Lade: I like the sound of this too. Dare I suggest a meeting, perhaps one lunchtime, to flesh out plans a little more? Allison, since it was your idea, would you like to call it?
Allison Shaw: Sure, that would be great! How about lunch tomorrow (Tuesday the 16th)? Let's try to synchronize sitting together. I talked to JP about doing a Planet Earth showing and he said we could use the projector for the lectures, but we'd need to get a decent set of speakers (as far as I know there isn't a working TV/DVD combination in any of the lounges and we'd have to pay to use the more advanced media system in the lecture room).
Modeling Gossip Networks
It could be neat to develop a model of gossip networks. If you define gossip as information passed between 2 individuals (call them A and B) about a third party (C), then the act of gossiping has the potential to change the status/connection strength of all parties involved (e.g. maybe strength A-B, and weaken A-C and B-C bonds). Essentially passing information along a path in the network changes the value of BOTH edges in the direct pathway as well as other edges in the network. These are just preliminary ideas, but perhaps we could model how gossip tendency/frequency influences the structure of a network. Also, is it possible for individuals to influence their location in a network (e.g. increase centrality) by changing their gossiping frequency? (Although this is potentially a complicated rather than complex model idea...) Let me know what you guys think! Allison Shaw
- Milena Tsvetkova: This is a very interesting idea from sociological point of view. The effect of networks on the spread of gossip is well understood: some of the social dynamics at play include biases in the selection of trusted third parties (one draws a sample of information consistent with one’s predisposition), the reinforcement of opinions in dyads due to an etiquette mechanism, the exaggeration of information in triads due to echo effects. However, I am not aware of any studies that investigate how the spread of gossip affects network structure. My work is on the coevolution of behavior and social networks so we should talk!
- XOXO Chang Yu:Interesting! Gossip is not always bad. If we can model its spreading mechanism, it could help especially when you want to spread information unofficially. I get some inspirations from Tom’s last lecture on Friday. In the gossip network, what kind of properties of these agents can speed up or reduce information spread, the range of social circle, poverty, wealth, the information itself, or even the locations of houses in a community? I think we may model the different spreading results under different properties.
David Brooks: I agree that this concept of Gossip Networks is a generic for the analysis of several potential problems. I would like to talk to you about your intended direction and methods.
The Emergence of Meaning and the Evolution of Language
There are several attempts in the philosophical and psychological literature (see Lewis’ work on convention and Grice’s analysis of meaning) to analyze the emergence of meaning. Most accounts (it not all) make extensive use of meta-representations, that is, the ability we have to understand other people intentions and “read” the content of their mental states. There are two problems with these theories: first, they are developed in a static fashion, while it may well be the case that the emergence of meaning is the result of a continuous, adaptive process; second, they seem to be plainly false, at least if we are willing to say that people affected by autism – and thus unable to read others mind – understand and produce meaning (see this recent paper by Gluer and Pagin). Brian Skyrms and others used evolutionary game theory to evolve proto-languages, so-called “signaling games”, to understand how meaning dynamically emerges without meta-representations (it turns out that meaning can be understood as a form of equilibrium in these evolutionary dynamics). It could be interesting to further develop these insights, adding more realistic features to AB models:
- adding noise
- explore the same game in different topologies and see if the emergent behaviour depends in some way on constraints on how agents move
- see if it is possible to evolve language with a proto-grammar
These are just some preliminary considerations. Let me know what you think! Jacopo Tagliabue
Biological Pathways
Loosely defined, biological pathways are networks of molecular interactions that achieve a specific biological function. I'm interested in using the information we already have about them in the analysis of microarray data. I have a bunch of half-baked ideas; here are two.
- Steven Lade I'm interested in one or both of these.
Many hits vs. critical hits
Microarrays assay 10^5-10^6 biological markers per sample. The most basic analysis is to ask whether each marker, individually, is disease-associated; common multi-marker approach is to sort the markers based on the magnitude of their association with disease, and then ask whether the high-scoring markers are over-represented in some pathways (biological interaction networks). By systematically performing an enrichment analysis on all known pathways, it is possible to elucidate which ones may play a role in disease. (cf GSEA.)
On the other hand, it is well known that the centrality of a molecule in the biological pathway is strongly correlated with its biological importance -- the lethality of knocking out a gene is related to its centrality (eg Jeong 2001). This finding has been used to study individual markers 'within' a given pathway to predict which ones would be the most biologically relevant (eg by ranking the markers based on centrality, (Ozgur 2008).
One of the drawbacks of GSEA-type enrichment approaches is that they do not consider the centrality of each marker, ie, they are pathway-topology-ignorant. To the best of my knowledge, while centrality has been looked at to examine the importance of individual genes to a given function, it has not been incorporated in enrichment analyses. I would like to answer the question "is a pathway more critically hit with disease-associate alterations than would be expected by chance alone" using a centrality-aware scoring function.
One very naive way to do this would be to simply scale the single-marker association statistic used in GSEA by the centrality of the gene in the network. This raises a question of its own, however: to what degree do the results depend on the severity of the scaling?
Anyway, that's one half-baked idea. [Resources available: tons of data; adjacency matrices for pathways represented in KEGG, BioCarta, Reactome, and the NCI/Nature pathway database; useful ancillary functions in R; a cluster for permutation testing/exploring the parameter space.]
Gene expression time-course spectra
Consider all the genes involved in a given pathway. Consider, also, a set of data that gives us the expression values for each gene at a handful of timepoints, eg, before (t=t0) and after (t=tf) an environmental exposure.
Next, suppose we describe the activity of that pathway by completely connected directed graph, for which the weight of the edge from gene_i to gene_j is given by MI(gene_i(t=t0),gene_j(t=tf)) (in the case of multiple timepoints, we could extend this -- eg transfer enropy). That is, the weight of each directed edge from gene_i to gene_j would tell us how well gene_i at t=t0 predicts gene_j at t=tf.
(I suggest the complete graph, rather than using the known pathway topology, because in practice the time differences tf-t0 may result in multiple "hops" -- so we may have correlations between next-next-neighbors rather than nearest neighbors, etc.)
So, we now have a description of signal propagation through the pathway over the time t0->tf, which we could summarize using the eigenvectors of the Laplacian. If we have two classes, eg cells which do/don't respond to the exposure, will we see statistically significant differences in the spectra for certain pathways, and thus infer that those pathways are involved in the response?
Possible pitfall: most time-course experiments only have a handful of samples for each timepoint.
Interacting distribution networks
I'm interested in thinking about evolving, interacting (re)distribution networks. Many large-scale aggregate networks are actually composed of several essentially independent subnetworks (e.g. individual airline carriers, local utility distribution companies), each of which takes into account the other agents' actions. While there may be interesting structure in the aggregate view, we know that the system followed an evolutionary path affected by interactions and should expect evidence of that process in the network structure. In other words: let's think of an agent-based model where each agent is a subnetwork maximizing some objective in a shared environment with constrained resources. I know there is some work on creating networks using games, but the agents are typically single nodes - see On a network creation game
There may be some reasonable biological applications (for example, competing fungal hyphae networks; there was a recent work which modeled individual fungal growth - see Biological solutions to transport network design, possibly root structures, functional neural modules?) or social applications (competing idea networks). At the moment I'd love to think about anything other than airline networks.
There are many directions to take this depending on the system in question. Off the top of my head:
- Under what conditions (i.e. which games) can competing entities coexist? In this case, do they all form similar network structures, or do different structures allow them to occupy noncompeting niches?
- How does the game structure affect equilibrium network structure?
- Apparently certain environments support different size networks (small-scale regional carriers, large-scale national/international carriers) - is this realizable with an identical objective function for all agents?
I know basically nothing about game theory, and I'd love to take this in a biological direction. I'm also happy to go off in another direction if this inspires a tangential idea. Daniel Wuellner
Caroline Farrior This sounds pretty cool. I don't know much about networks, or airlines, but I do know about evolutionary game theory.
Randy Haas I'd like to talk some more with ya'll about this. It sounds relevant to a problem I'm interested in, which involves the emergence of settlement hierarchies in 'prisitine' state societies. I'm playing with the idea that such hierarchies are a redistribution solution to optimal resource allocation. Do you see a connection with Christaller's Central Place Theory? It's an oldy, but it seems relevant that a cited critique of the theory is its inability to capture dynamic process.
David Brooks I have some experience in the analysis and specification of multi-modal and multi-step transportation systems and would like to discuss your intended direction and methods.
Network structure of personality
Sean is interested in using the methods presented by Scott Pauls at SFI on Wednesday to analyze the structure of personality as revealed by personality psychology's canonical test, the NEO PI-R, and it's freeware version, the IPIP NEO.
These surveys consist of 240 and 300 questions, respectively, and have been analyzed using traditional factor analysis to reveal the Five Factor Model of personality (FFM, see Wikipedia article). But there is much debate within personality psychology about the exact structure of the factors, and particularly the higher order correlations among them. Traditional factor analysis is not much use in resolving these disputes, but that is just about the only method which has been used so far. I've spoken to Scott Pauls about this already, and he says that his method might be useful to help to resolve the issue (see his comments below).
I've got a dataset of about 1000 responses to the NEO-PI-R and 21,000 responses to the IPIP NEO, and I can get access to a smaller dataset which also includes some info on FMRI imaging and some other personality tests if necessary.
This is not a subject which I was originally planning on pursuing when I came to the CSSS, but I think that the central importance of this test to personality psychology means that the project will have a reasonable chance of getting published regardless of the results, and anyone working on it should learn some cool data analysis techniques along the way.
If you'd like more information about what I've written here, note that I will be talking about the subject over lunch on Tuesday the 16th. Just find my table (or avoid it, depending on your preferences).
I'm in. Marek Kwiatkowski
Murad Mithani: I would like to know more about this.
I'd like to talk more. Casey
Scott Pauls: Some comments on this idea.
I think this is a very interesting application of the PDM or some variant of it). One of the aspects of the "Five Factor model" is the controversy around the selection of the factors and their putative independence (they are not). The collection of tools we use will allow for a data driven extraction of factors on multiple scales. I suspect, although it is not a given, that the top layer of factors will reflect to some extent the "five factors" already used. However, it will give detailed information on the relationships between the pieces. Moreover, the multi-scale decomposition should yield a very textured description of the personality factors and their interactions.
A couple of technical points - given the length of the data series (200-300 questions), I would probably limit the analysis to roughly 150 respondents at a time. The wealth of data available means that one can do multiple experiments using ~150 members allowing for a good analysis of the robustness of the factor results.
Modeling behaviors between students and teachers
Chang Yu:I’m doing some research about a marginalized group of high school students under Chinese elite education policy. These students can’t handle the exam-oriented school circumstance and get ignored and even discriminated. Some of them have character defect. From the six-month field research and data analysis, I find teachers’ attitudes and behaviors are the most significant factors when children grow up. Now I hope to use NetLogo to model the bidirectional behaviors between students and teachers.
Here are some draft ideas I’m thinking about:
- Student’s properties: learning skill (Sp1), normalized character (Sp2), normalized behavior(Sp3) ,acceptance to teacher (Sp4)
- Student’s actions: be willing to learn (Sa1), be willing to associate and communicate (Sa2)
- Teacher’s properties: salary (Tp1), sense of achievement (Tp2)
- Teacher’s actions: encourage students (Ta1), organize social activities (Ta2)
- Rules: (I’m still thinking)
- If teacher acts Ta1----> Sa1----> Sp1 + 1, Sp4+1----> Tp1+1, Tp2+1
- If teacher acts Ta2----> Sa2----> Sp2 + 1, Sp3 +1---> Tp1+1, Tp2+1
(Also have the negative rules and combination rules, like Ta1+Ta2--->Sa2----> Sp2 + 1, Sp3 +1)
SOS!! If you guys have any ideas, suggestions, help about NetLogo, please please please tell me !
Interesting idea, you might want to take a look at the following working papers (they are mathematical (math. epidemiology) in nature):
Katie Diazrlene, Cassie Fett, Griselle Torres-Garcia, Nicolas M. Crisosto (2003) The Effects of Student-Teacher Ratio and Interactions on Student/Teacher Performance in High School Scenarios. MTBI BU-1645-M
Abstract: We develop a model that incorporates the impact of sudden-teacher ratio on the performance dynamics of both teachers and students. The model assumes that the members of both populations may be found in three dynamics states: positive, discouraged and reluctant. The role of complex nonlinear interactions between students and teachers, as well as the role of recruitment and intervention, are studied via analytic and numerical studies. Using center manifold theory we find conditions for the existence of a backward bifurcation that support endemic stationary states below the critical threshold value, R0 < 1, when normally only a positive environment would be supported. Our simulations show that in order to maintain a positive environment for students and teachers, R0 must be reduced significantly. Since R0 is a function of student-teacher ratio this can be achieved by decreasing class size.
Corvina Boyd, Alison Castro, Nicolas M. Crisosto, Arlene Evangelista, Christogher Kribs-Zaleta, Carlos Castillo-Chávez (2000) A Socially Transmitted Disease: Teacher Qualifications and High School Drop-Out Rates MTBI BU-1526-M
Abstract The main goal of this study is to quantify the impact of teacher interactions on student achievement to facilitate recommending policy strategies that minimize high school dropout rates. This study derives a system of differential equations that examine the effects that teachers have on minority high school students' learning experience in California and Arizona. The first mathematical model focuses on the impact that teacher dynamics have on a school's faculty composition. Teacher's dynamics are coupled with a second system that models student responses to teacher preparation and experience in order to investigate the effects of these interactions on high school dropout and completion rates.
If you cannot locate the paper online, let me know some of the authors of the two papers. Alhaji Cherif
Chang Yu:Thank u Alhaji! I really appreciate if you could tell me how to get the papers. Have you done any research in this area? We should talk about it! Thanks.
Music Rhythm Pattern Generation with Hierarchies and Dynamics (PROGRAMMERS WANTED!)
Western based music comes in boring measures. 4 beats, 16 beats and then repeat plus a little modification. Boring!
Even exotic music from India or Bali sticks to one particular measure ... even if it's some bizarre integer, a prime number say, like 17. But what if we introduce hierarchies of measures?
So lets say a measure is one minute long. Between every beat of your 4 measure I introduce 7 beats. And between the first four of those I introduce 2 beats; between the 2nd 5 beats and between the third and fourth 3 beats each. What does that music sound like!?
Clearly there is synchrony every x beats between different patterns but in between there is something which bears some relationship over time but takes a little listening to understand.
What music is most pleasing? What do you want to hear more of? What is too complicated/random and what is too boring?
I have worked previously on such a system written in Java called the Emonic Environment. But this was many years ago and I have learned much about much since then.
What can we create now?
A few people have exhuberated interest including Murad and Casey but I need at least one or two other people who are capable of contributing to the implementation before we can go ahead with the project.
Do you find yourself fascinated by your own attraction to different sorts of rhythm? Do you sense that this summer school could be a pathway for reigniting your own passion for creativity and expression, while maintaining some connection to science? Both Liz Bradley and Peter Dodds encouraged us to nurse the flame fueled by playfulness and creation, to keep ourselves engaged by having fun and staying curious. If a group of us got together and really inspired one another with our ideas and passion, maybe we could make something compelling and bring out the curious 5-year-old latent in all of us.
What are interesting ways to create hierarchies and change them dynamically? What sort of dependence should one structural or functional parameter have on others in order to create sequences of sounds that aren't just random but rich in some sense?
The results of Iran's recently held presidential election (June 12, 2009) is very controversial. Demonstrations are being held across Iran and some have turned violent with a few fatalities reported. Demonstrations are also being held in major cities across the world. It is reminiscent of the Iran's revolution about 30 years ago. So, here is an idea for an agent-based modeling of a rebellion; what does it take to tip the balance to successfully influence the election process for a possible re-election? What kind of networks to model the rebellious groups? Or, to take it to the extreme, what does it take to have another revolution? Mahyar Malekpour
David Brooks This seems to be the same problem as the Gossip suggestion from above. Perhaps we could combine the two adding factors such as participation hesitation to represent the stability that must be overcome to induce action (participation in gossip or revolution). Perhaps we could get together with the gossip model team to discuss the potential.