Complex Systems Summer School 2018-Speed Dating ++
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2018
--> Using Multilayered Methods to Analyze Genes putative to triple-negative breast cancer sub-types
--> Niccolo & Kofi: FoldIt to assess Novel Mortalin variants coded by HSPA9 Pertaining to Triple Neg Breast Cancer sub-types
--> Using Social learning Tools based on evolutionary patterns to predict tumor cell learning based on cancer treatment type
--> Breast cancer incidence rates in women stratified by lifestyle and behavioral factors
--> Is there a Genetic basis for mental disorders? Can we use bioinformatics tools to find patterns of incidence?
--> George & Kofi: Using exact Bayesian algorithms to assess tumor cell networks by breast cancer sub-type
--> Pete & Kofi: Using Data-mining and bioinformatics tools to assess healthy learning environments for students at Ivy League Universities in the Massachusetts area
--> Quantifying the randomness of epidemic patterns
--> Quantifying proximal networks for mosquito-borne diseases
--> talia and cesar: The spread of diseases from migration due to political unrest in Venezuela: the Maduro effect
--> talia and jarno: Predicting ADHD using maternal psychological risk factors
--> Kevin & Ada: Multi-level Analysis of Sub-State Actors in International Politics
--> Evgenia & Ada: Co-evolution of Internal and External Ties within Organisations
--> Chris & Ada: Multi-scale Feedback Loops in Micro-Finance
--> Allie & Ada: Hierarchical Science of Science
--> Yanchen & Ada: Self-similarity for Network Aggregation
--> Gianrocco & Allie: Food for Research
--> Alex & Allie: The Effects of Urban Environments on Scientific Collaboration
--> Conor & Allie: Quantifying Multivariate Effects in Diversity
--> Talia & Allie: Characterizing the Heritability of Gender Norms across Academic Families
---> Maria & Jacob: Evolution of cooperative resource redistribution in microbial systems
---> Saska & Jacob: Plant microbial interactions reconsidered: All pay auctions force plants hands
---> Goerge & Jacob: The structural determination of consensus and diversity n GRN; How plants choose how to grow.
---> Ana & Jacob: Increasing the nutritional value of crops through redirection of resources towards fibrous tissues
---> Alice & Jacob: Analysis of protein-protein interaction networks at critical junctions for root zonation.
---> Sarah & Kevin: Changes in behavior of bacteria in response to different virus attack patterns
---> Matt & Kevin: Collective action problems with limited resources in congressional budgeting
---> Vandana & Kevin: Changes in agent behavior in iterated games with different rules for each period
---> Chris & Kevin: Sentiment analysis based on reactions to the stock market from text mining Twitter data (i.e. hedonometer research)
---> Patricia & Kevin: Simulation of flash crashes to test different threshold levels for control systems of automated stock trading programs
---> Anastasiya & Kevin: Identification of attractors in UN Voting Data from 1948 to the present
---> Tom & Kevin: Defining deviations of city size from Zipf's Law as a parameter of centralization (or decentralization) in a nation-state
Evolution of the evolution of evolution.
A framework for understanding anxiety in social situations.
Impact of fats moderated by scalar participation on generalised anxiety disorder
Eating chocolate cake reverses weight loss in major depression.
No connection between MRNA transcription levels and compulsive hand-washing
Repeated antisocial behavior modulates immune responses in face of radiation exposure
Evaluating effects of drought on savanna trees with respect to their phylogenetic distance
Sasha & Evgenia: Variation in synapse number in development -> effect on social network formation
Jordan & Sasha: Impact of brain inflammation on synapse stability as an adaptive network
Sasha & Nam: Supervised & Unsupervised learning in neural networks dynamics
Sasha & Konstantinos: Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition to evaluate patterns of activity of spontaneous neural waves in visual cortex before and after eye opening
Jordan & Xiaoyu: New mechanisms for synchronization in power grids with high renewable penetration
Jordan & Andrea: Quantifying perturbation spreading in multilayer systems using information theory
Ben & Jordan: Early warning signs for saddle-node bifurcations on temporal human contact networks
Alan & Jordan: Insights on multilayer networks from microbial metabolic networks
Optimization of industrial development paths to meet climate policy goals
Software development of a communication network for a swarm of robots
George and Luca: A generative model of mutualistic networks
Marina and Luca: Is a network always a network? A comparison of graph theoretic properties of social and biological networks under stress
Xindi and Luca: Modeling the publishing ecosystem using Lotka-Volterra system of equations
The heterogeneous effect of evolution of the spread disease on high and low income groups
Simon and Cesar: Comparing methods for water supply infrastructure for a case study in Ecuador and its economic and political outcomes
Vandana and Cesar: Fitness effects of high and low income groups under an epidemic
Yanchen and Cesar: How income levels affect network structure after an epidemic outbreak? Matt & Ricky: k-Core Groups is Political Discussion Networks
Ariadna & Ricky: Thermodynamics of Multilayer Networks - Phase Transition as a Function of Network Connectivity
Conor & Ricky: Evaluating the Importance of Synergistic Interactions in Multilayer Networks
Magdalena & Ricky: Multilayer Innovation Networks
Anastasia & Ricky: Interplay between Topology and Nonlinear Dynamics in Oscillator Networks
Jarno & Ricky: Psychological Profile an a Factor in Multilayer Terrorist Networks Alan & Evgenia: "Social dynamics of heterogeneous microbial populations"
Evgenia & Maria del Rio Chanona: "The evolution of multilayer network of labour unions and industry organisations"
Evgenia & Tom: "Altering networks to increase cooperation"
Ben & Evgenia: "How individuals novelty seeking affects contact switching in swinger network dynamics"
Evgenia and Peter: "Propagation of the negative and positive attitudes towards prescribing controlled substances in clinicians' social networks"
Vandana and Anastasiya: "Studying phase transitions in lattices using game theory in structured populations"
Jared and Marina: "Friend or Foe? Effects of political crises on friendship networks"
Maria R. and Marina: "Surviving the Big Crash: Impact of financial crisis on structure and evolution of social networks"
Ricky & Matt: k-Core Groups in Political Discussion Networks.
Kevin & Matt: Collective Action Problems with Limited Resources in Congressional Budgeting.
Anastasiya & Matt: Perturbation Spreading and Social Influence of Public Opinion in Political Networks.
Javier & Matt: Twitterbots as Opinion Leaders in the Spread Fake News.
Patricia & Matt: Using Facial Recognition to Track Networked Interaction Among Caucus Attendees.
Carol & Matt: Using Brain Signals to Predict Sociability in Discussion Networks. Pride or punishment: When a new company moves to town
Investment policy impact on inequality
Emergence of social networks: comparing slack and self-reported contact data
Twitter bots as opinion leaders in the spread of fake news
Spread of gentrification in cities using multilayer network models
Taxation as a function of disorder in corporate structures
Measuring self-organization/productivity applying hidden Markov models to interevent communication data
Population dynamics and proximity to water
Inga & Gianrocco: 'Phones for Malaria'
Ariadna & Gianrocco: 'Modeling socio-temporal patterns from wireless wearable device'
Magdalena & Gianrocco: 'Sustainable innovation pathways for nutritive artificial meat production'
Jarno & Gianrocco: 'Autistic gut: food intolerance effects on impaired emotional intelligence'
How technology affected the neolithic society of south east asia
Network early warning signs of global financial crisis
An ABM of conflict due to robots stealing jobs. Jared & Maria
The innovation network of microbial communities. Luca & Maria
The evolution of the multilayer network of labor union and industry organization. Evgenia & Maria
Surviving the big crash -- the impact of financial crisis on the structure and evolution of social networks. Marina & Maria
Modeling influenza epidemic patterns with HMMs. Talia & Ariadna
Thermodynamics of a multilayer network. Ricky & Ariadna
Synergistic error correction in stochastic processes. Conor & Ariadna
Crowd Archeology and Ideas of Cultural Identity in Southeast Asia. Jenn & Chris
Urban Centers as Cultural Centers in Past, Present and Future. Jenn & Chris
Developing Micro Consensus Models on the Blockchain. Nicollo & Chris
Designing Governance for Large Groups. Nicollo & Chris
Defining Network Robustness Parameters in Decentralized Cryptocurrency Networks. Andrea & Chris
Bayesian Optimal Information Integration of wind measurements in wind farms: Niccolo & Xiaoyu Wang
Water system recover after exogenous event using networks and newspaper data: Thushara & Xindi
Spatial book sales pattern analysis: Konstantinos & Xindi
Replicator dynamics for interactions between multiple genomic loci to understand interactions on a genomic scale: Vandana & Sarah
Decomposing performance improvements in cells into biological innovation mechanisms: Magdalena & Sarah
The Effects of Urban Environments on Scientific Collaboration - Alex & Allie
Investigations into the Urban Collective Conscience - Alex & Juarno
NLP for ethnography of communication networks_Sandra&Yuki
Networks of communication in biological systems_Alan&Sandra
Financial connections proxied by information sharing_Eleonora&Sandra
How to play well with others: communication systems and human cooperation_Catriona&Sandra
Similarity/Differences in Public Transport Network Structure in Singapore and Belgrade
Adaptive Network in Transport Systems
Optimizing strategies for public transport systems in cities
Commonly considered factors sufficient to give rise to clustering in business networks
Mobility and access: Spatial dynamics of healthcare provision for senior population - Shantal & Peter
Reconstructing social network structure of past societies using Bayesian influence
Critical comparison between evolution of mutualism and evolution of cooperation
First order phase transition in human social organisation
How social hierarchy impacts inter-organisational collaborations
How did the emergence of financial system reinforce hierarchical organisation
Comparison of patterns of neuronal avalanches in social and non-social species
Coupling and decompling of biological oscillators - Subash and Kostantinos
Environemntal influences on endogenous dynamics - Subash and Thushara
Comparing information transfer in living systems; a comparative study between between slime molds and human population - Subash and Peter
Slime mold inspired search algorithms in swarm-robotics - Subash and Zohar
Dynamic mode decomposition of slime mold oscillators - Subash & ..
Using slime mold as a model organism to solve political conflicts - Subash and Jared
Egocentric networks and adverse opioid related events - Jared & Peter
Got Pills? Leveraging social networks for prescription medicines in disruption - Marina & Peter
Spatial Distribution of syringe supply and syringe sharing: A simulation study Peter & Saska
Huff & Kogan -- where am I going to go when the volcano blows: networks and survival after natural disasters
Huff & Perret -- climate change effects on evolution of tool use and form
Fussner & Huff -- public archaeology and ideas of cultural identity in island southeast asia
Fussner & Huff -- urban centers as sites of cultural exchange past, present, and future in ISEA
Edgerton & Huff -- evolution of networked social identity and conflict in eastern indonesia past and present
Huff & Stopnitzky -- practice and theory of navigation by stable ocean wave patterns
Huff & Schweikert -- local rural indonesian perspectives on reliable low-carbon energy access
Cantwell & Huff -- inferring trade network structure from isotopic analysis of ceramics and pig bones: with application to the iSEA Neolithic