CSSS 2008 Argentina-Project Posters
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
CSSS Argentina 2008 |
- Ecological Networks: Evolution and Interaction between topology and dynamics - Juan Barreneche, Diego S. Bravo, Massimiliano Esposito, Diego Hartasanchez, Fernanda Valdovinos
- Insights into the Dynamical Evolution of the HIV genome - Carlo Altamirano, Guillermo Espinoza, Peter Klimek, Tomas Perez-Acle, Miguel Ponce de Leon, Alejandro Rozenfeld
- Spatial predator-prey ecological system: The influence of local interactions - Maurice Oliva, Mayra Nunez-Lopez, Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos, Julio Benavides, Edgardo Brigatti
- How do brains smell? - Alvaro Cabana, Jesse Lasky, Bruno Mota, Grace Xu
- Random Walks over Neutral Networks - Paula Fergnani, Evandro Ferrada, Yerali Gandica, Christine Lamanna, Sirio Orozco, Rodrigo Vargas, Jorge Velazquez
- Network effects on game dynamics - Ana Ines Borthagaray , Carlos Perez-Espigares, Eduardo Ezequiel Ferrero, Lucas Uzal, Matt Luck
- Dynamic adaptation behavior in fluctuacting environments in biological and economical systems - Maier Avendano, Daniel Gonzalez, Marcos Gaudiano
- Metabolic Scaling in Plant Growth - Ana Pastore y Piontti, Constanza Weinburg, Diogo Melo, George Bezerra, Leandro M. Alonso
- Properties of climate time series and implications for tree growth across latitudes - Paula Fergnani, Evandro Ferrara, Yerali Gandica, Christine Lamanna, Siro A. Orozco-Fuentes, Rodrigo Vargas, Jorge Velazquez-Castro