
CSSS 2007 Beijing-Readings-Week-One: Difference between revisions

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===Lecture Notes===
===Lecture Notes===
===Additional Reading===
===Additional Reading===
====Foragers and the Emergence of Agriculture====
*[[Media:Modeling_Foragrs.doc|Brief Syllabus of Sources on the “Forager” Project]]
*[ PowerPoint presentation of Part 1]  (Updated 21 July 2006)
*[[Media:Foragrs_talk.doc|Talk Outline]] (Updated 21 July 2006)
*[[Media:Wobst_BoundaryConditions_.pdf|Boundary Conditions for Paleolithic Social Systems: A Simultaion Approach]].  Martin Wobst.
*[[Media:ArchSysThry68.pdf|Archaological Systems Theory and Early Mesoamerica]], Kent V. Flannery.  In <i>Anthropological Archaeology in the Americas</i>.  The Anthropological Society of Washington.  1968.
*[[Media:Guila_Naquitz_A.pdf|The Research Problem]], Kent V. Flannery.  In <i>Guila Naquitz: Archaic Foraging and Early Agriculture in Oaxaca, Mexico</i>, Ken V. Flannery, ed.
*[[Media:ch3-1.pdf|Guila Naquitz in Spacial, Temporal, and Cultural Context]], Kent V. Flannery.  In <i>Guila Naquitz: Archaic Foraging and Early Agriculture in Oaxaca, Mexico</i>, Ken V. Flannery, ed..
*[[Media:ch4.pdf|The Physical Environment of the Guila Naquitz Cave Group]], Kirkby, M. J., A. V. Whyte, and K. V. Flannery.  In <i>Guila Naquitz: Archaic Foraging and Early Agriculture in Oaxaca, Mexico</i>, Ken V. Flannery, ed..
*[[Media:Reynolds_introduction_to_model.pdf|The Modeling of Foraging Strategy: An Introduction to Part IV]], Robert Reynolds.  In <i>Guila Naquitz: Archaic Foraging and Early Agriculture in Oaxaca, Mexico</i>, Kent V. Flannery, ed.
*[[Media:Diamond_Nature_02.pdf| Jared Diamond's Overview of the Emergence of Food Production]]
====Villages and the Emergernce of Tribal Alliance Systems====
*[[Media:Modeling_Villages.doc|Brief Syllabus of Sources on the “Village” Project]]
*[ Revised PowerPoint presentation of Part 2] (Updated 21 July 2006)
*[[Media:Villages_talk.doc|Talk Outline]] (Updated 21 July 2006)
*[[Media:Kohleretal_SimAncntSocs_SciAm05.pdf|Simulating Ancient Societies]] Kohler, T. A., G.J. Gumerman and R.G. Reynolds
*[[Media:Gumerman_etal_.pdf|Long House Valley Simulation]]
*[[Media:Kohler_etal_Agent_Based_Mdling_SFI96.doc|Agent-Based Modeling of Prehistoric Settlement Systems in the Northern American Southwest]] Kohler, T. A., C. R. Van West, E. P. Carr and C. G. Langton
*[[Media:Reynolds_Algorithms_2002.ppt|Cultural Algorithms: A Tutorial]] Robert G. Reynolds
*[[Media:Kobti_Reynolds_Kohler_Resilience_IEEE03.pdf|A Multi-Agent Simulation Using Cultural Algorithms: The Effect of Culture on the Resilience of Social Systems]] Kobti, Z., R. G. Reynolds, and T. A. Kohler
*[[Media:Reynolds_Kohler_Kobti_Resilience_CMOT04.pdf|The Effects of Generalized Reciprocal Exchange on the Resilience of Social Networks: An Example from the Prehispanic Mesa Verde Region]] Reynolds, R. G., T. A. Kohler and Z. Kobti
*[[Media:Kobti_Reynlds_Kohler_Kinship_IEEE04.pdf|The Effect ofKinship Cooperation Learning Stategy and culture on the Resilience of Social Systems in the Village Mulit-Agent Simulation]] Kobti, Z., R. G. Reynolds, and T. A. Kohler
*[[Media:Kobti_etal_SwarmFest_Cultural_Algorithms_04.pdf|Agent-Based Modeling of Cultural Change in Swarm Using Cultural Algorithms]] Kobti, Z., R. G. Reynolds, and T. A. Kohler
*[[Media:Reynolds_etal_Gaming_IEEE05.pdf|Unraveling Ancient Mysteries: Reimagining the Past Using Evolutionary Computation in a Complex Gaming Environment]] Reynolds, R. G., Z. Kobti, T. A. Kohler, and L. Y. L. Yap
*[[Media:VILLAGE_and_BALI_URLs.doc|Web Access to Kohler's VILLAGE and Lansing''s BALI]]
====Raising Civilizations====
*[[Media:Modeling_States.doc|Brief Syllabus of Sources on the “States” Project]]
*[[Media:CSSS_Wright3_States.ppt|PowerPoint presentation of Part 3]]
*[[Media:States_talk_06.doc|Talk Outline]] (Updated 21 July 2006)
*[[Media:Carneiro 1970.pdf|A Theory of the Origin of the State]] Robert L. Carneiro
*[[Media:Wright 1977.pdf|Recent Research on the Origin of the State]] Henry T. Wright
*[[Media:Johnson_Uruk_Administration copy.pdf|The Changing Organization of Uruk Administration on the Susiana Plain]] Gregory A. Johnson. In ''The Archaeology of Western Iran'', Frank Hole, ed.
*[[Media:Wright_UrukStates.pdf|Uruk States in Southwestern Iran]] Henry T. Wright. In ''Archaic States'', Gary M. Feinman and Joyce Marcus, eds.
*[[Media:Wright_UrukWorld.pdf|Cultural Action in the Uruk World]]  Henry T. Wright. In ''Uruk Mesopotamia & Its Neighbors'', Mitchell S. Rothman, ed.
*[[Media:Liu_LongShan_96.pdf|Settlement Patterns, Chiefdom Variability, and the Development of Early States in North China]] Li Liu
*[[Media:Underhill_etall_02.pdf|Regional survey and the development of complex societies in southeastern Shandong, China]] Underhill, A. P., G. M. Feinman, L. M. Nicholas, G. Bennett, H. Fang, F. Luan, H. Yu and F. Cai
*[[Media:Lee_Erlitou.pdf|control strategies and polity competition in the lower Yi-Luo Valley, North China]] Yun Kuen Lee
*[[Media:System-dependent Selection.pdf|System-dependent Selection, Ecological Feedback and the Emergence of Functional Struction in Ecosystems]] Lansing, S. J., J. N. Kremer, and B. B. Smuts
*[[Media:Digitizing_Devpmnt.pdf|Digitizing 'Development']] Stefan Helmreich
*[[Media:Foucault.pdf|Foucault and the Water Temples]] Steve Lansing

Revision as of 20:05, 11 June 2007

Dave Feldman

Lecture Notes

Additional Reading

John Pepper

Lecture Notes

Additional Reading

Jon Wilkins

Lecture Notes

Additional Reading

Henry Wright

Lecture Notes

Additional Reading

Foragers and the Emergence of Agriculture

Villages and the Emergernce of Tribal Alliance Systems

Raising Civilizations