
Scaling in Biological and Social Networks - Abstracts

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Banerjee, Soumya - TBD

Barthelemy, Marc - TBD

Beslon, Guillaume - TBD

Bettencourt, Luis - TBD

Blum, Michael - Phylogenetic tree shape

Bonabeau, Eric - TBD

Bourgine, Paul - TBD

Brooks, Aaron - TBD

David - Modeling cultural dynamics with metamimetic games : a multi-scale approach

Chertkov, Michael - Physics of Algorithms: Loop Calculus for Graphical Models of Statistical Inference

Clauset, Aaron - TBD

Cointet, Jean-Philippe - TBD

Doursat, René - Multiscale Embryomorphic Architectures

Dunne, Jennifer - Scaling in food webs

Gastner, Michael - TBD

Girvan, Michelle - TBD

Holme, Petter - Dynamics of networking social agents: from diplomacy to friendships

Kempe, David - TBD

Knibbe, Carole - TBD

Lesne, Annick - Transcriptional regulatory networks and the chromatin fiber

Moore, Cris - TBD

Morvan, Michel - TBD

Moses, Melanie - TBD

Pellegrino, Francois - Sound Systems of the world's languages as complex networks

Peyrieras, Nadine - TBD

Saia, Jared - Virus vs Anti-virus

Samaniego, Horacio - TBD

West, Geoffrey - TBD