
CSSS 2008 Beijing-Readings-Week-Two

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

CSSS 2008 Beijing

Aaron Clauset

  • Power Laws
  • Introduction to Networks I
  • Introduction to Networks II

Background Reading

The following references cover background material for the three lectures.

DI Zhengru

Introduction to Weighted Networks

Background Reading

HAN Jing

Background Reading

HAN Zhangang

Background Reading

HAO Bai-lin

Background Reading

Lecture 1:Symbolic Dynamics in Action or Applied Symbolic Dynamics

1. Bailin Hao, Elementary Symbolic Dyanmics and Chaos in Dissipative Systems,

  a monograph, World Scientific, 1989. Downloadable from Hao's webpage:
  Hao's apology: Since not all figures in this book were Postscript files and
  I have not made them into .eps yet, I have put an image of my personal copy
  in my website. It is a file of more than 20MB. That is why I did not put it
  in the SFI Wiki. I hope I will be able to do it in not-distant future. The
  symbolic dynamics chapters of this book are somehow outdated. For those who
  want to learn more about symbolic dynamics I suggest the following book.

2. Bailin Hao and Weimou Zheng, Applied Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos, WSPC, 1989,

  430pp. There is one copy at SFI's Library and in ITP-CAS Library.

Lecture 2: Visualization of real DNA data and a few nice math therefrom

Dan Hruschka

  • Models of Cultural Diversity
  • Simple Models of Social Learning
  • Neutral Models of Language Change

Background Reading

LI Ming

Background Reading

ZHAO Liping

Background Reading

  1. Pang et al., Inter-species transplantation of gut microbiota from human to pigs, The ISME J. 1(2007): 156-162)
  2. File:JIA 2008 NRDD.pdf
  3. File:Limin 2008 PNAS.pdf

ZHOU Haijin

Background Reading