
Who wants to play my game ?

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

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CSSS Santa Fe 2007

Next Meeting

We'll meet Friday 22nd sometime after dinner. --Amelie

Interested people

Please add yourself and contact one of us if you want to (re-)join.

  • Amelie (averon (at)
  • Alex (alexhealing (at)
  • I'm up for it. Ryan.
  • I'm in. Monika (monika at
  • I'd like to get in on the action too. The brief chat on Weds has got me thinking... :o) Hannah (hannahATlingDOTedDOTacDOTuk)

The general idea

Representing globalization, evolution and adaptation with agent-based modeling and game theory.


I have no experience with sociology or game theory, and I know that everybody is already super busy with deciding which projects they want to be part of. But this seemed like a fun project so there we are, with a new wiki page.

The project seen as a story

At the beginning of the world, there were (4 to 6) turtle societies living isolated on different continents. Each of these societies had developed their own game, and each of the citizen-turtles had pretty much the same strategy (or maybe only in one society, there were two strategies). Anyhow, the way it worked was that a turtle would ask another turtle if they wanted to play their game. The gains of the game become money, or fat, or whatever. In any case, when you have many points, you can give birth to a twin turtle.

Each of the (4 to 6) societies had a very different game and very different tactics. For example, one of the societies was composed of thieves that were quite happy to steal from each other, while another society was composed of happy people earning little but sharing it gladly by fair games and strategies.

On a nice day however, bridges appear between the continents and turtles start traveling from one society to the other. As they do, they start playing games with turtles from different backgrounds ...

Some more rules

The idea is that each turtle can have at least one game in its possession. It could decide to drop a game and play another one if it finds it better (and keep or change its strategy, that's independent).

When a turtle loses too much, it has no points left and it dies. The turtle world could be with only a set amount of energy (so you'd have to pay to play a game for example) or an unlimited amount, that has to be decided). Also when a turtle is rich enough to create a twin, they could either share equally or unequally the points the initial turtle has. The "twin" turtle can also be slightly different, so that there is a "game evolution" too. Well, there's many rules that can be added.

Why this is a feasible project

We've seen today that NetLogo was a cool piece of software with already loads of turtles in it, so that would simplify our work. Also, there's a lot more thinking than coding to do, so it's a project that can be done over lunch/coffee/beer for a large part before we seriously need to invest computer time.

So .. let me know if you're interested :) Amelie