
Evolution from Proto-Life to Metabolic Networks

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Revision as of 20:35, 7 June 2007 by T1m (talk | contribs)
CSSS Santa Fe 2007

First meeting scheduled for Thu, Jun 7, 10:15am after the lecture.


(Just sign up yourself, if interested, or, whom I've just forgotten)

  • Kathryn Cooper
  • Amelie Veron
  • Wenyun Zuo
  • Christian Darabos
  • Tim Johann
  • Vikas Shah
  • Joshua L. Payne


Given the concept of the Metabolism First Hypothesis, how did early simple and essentially random reaction networks evolve into ones that exhibit characteristics of scale-free and small-world (sf-sw) networks? What physically meaningful rules may we find that can lead to this?

Things to consider

  • No predefined goal! Besides evolvability. I.e. we don't use a fitness function based on a known goal state.
  • How to define fitness? Or, how to define selection without a known fitness function?
    • Yes, I though it might be interesting to run simulations without fitness and selection, just based on the rules of evolution and see what comes out -- Amelie
      • What to do about the explosion of possibilities? [Tim]
  • How can we get increasing structural complexity of metabolites?
  • Does structural complexity of metaboltes really imply a tendency to sf-sw?


  • nearly anything by Stuart Kauffman (I just borrowed 'The Origins of Order').