CSSS 2007 Santa Fe-After Hours
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
CSSS Santa Fe 2007 |
Today, Monday June 4th at 7pm: soccer match @ the athletic field; be there! [Olaf]
Monday June 4th, 9pm, Polyhmynia 13, Scotch tasting, hosted by Ben Mazzotta
Wednesday, June 6th 7pm: climbing @ the Santa Fe Climbing Center; let's meet at the pond in front of the student centre [Gregor]
Friday, June 8th, 2pm: Excursion to Taos. [Gregor] and [T1M]
Saturday, June 9th, some time in the morning: Excursion to southern NM - Socorro and/or White Sands and/or Roswell. [Gregor] and [T1M]
Sunday, June 10th: These hills look like they need some hiking. Who is up for a decent hike some time on Sunday? Location will depend on whether any willing participants have cars. [Ryan]