CSSS 2010 Santa Fe-Readings
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
CSSS Santa Fe 2010 |
Please review readings before lectures. Supplemental material may be posted as well.
Liz Bradley
Tom Carter
Here is a link to a page with various background readings -- I'll be talking about some of this material, watch the wiki for days/times
Iain Couzin
- Complexity. An Informative Itinerary
- Collective Cognition in Animal Groups
- Collective Motion and Cannibalism in Locust Migratory Bands
- Collective Minds
- Effective Leadership and Decision-Making in Animal Groups on the Move
Owen Densmore
Steve Guerin and I will present modeling with NetLogo. It will have two parts, one a self-paced wiki tutorial, the second a set of real world examples of modeling we've used professionally.
Read the first page of the tutorial. Then (attempt!) to download, install, and look at the Model Library.
Doug Erwin
Duncan Foley
- Labor, Capital and Land in the New Economy
- Economic Complexity and Dynamics in Interactive Systems
- Hyman Minsky and the Dilemmas of Contemporary Economic Method
Laura Fortunato
John Harte
Jure Leskovec
1) -- models and link prediction in large social networks:
2) -- tracking information diffusion, finding influencers and detecting disease outbreaks in networks
- Meme Tracking & News Cycle Dynamics
- Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network
- Outbreak Detection in Social Networks
- 2004 Election Political Blogger Networks
3) -- models of networks with positive and negative ties
- Trust & Distrust
- Signed Networks & Social Media:
- Predicting Postive & Negative Links in Online Social Networks
- Governance in Social Media
Cosma Shalizi
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
- Quantifying Self-Organization with Optimal Predictors
- Methods and Techniques of Complex Systems Science: An Overview
Artificial Intelligence
Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases
Statistical/Computational Mechanics
Neurons and Cognition
- The Computational Structure of Spike Trains
- Discovering Functional Communities in Dynamical Networks
- Measuring Shared Information and Coordinated Activity in Neuronal Networks