
CSSS 2010 Santa Fe-Projects & Working Groups

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CSSS Santa Fe 2010

Students are required to craft a research project -- use this page to brainstorm and organize your efforts.

Evolution of Words (Dan Rockmore) - In a class on complex systems that I teach at Dartmouth one of the final projects seemed to indicate from a small and somewhat biased sample of English words, that word origins (as indicated by one of the online dictionaries) seem clustered at certain times. As a start I would propose a mining of this info in some online dictionary, performing some initial analysis and see if "there is a there, there.." and if so, keep on going.

Dynamics of Equities Market Structure (Dan Rockmore) - In a paper of mine w/some of my buddies (some of whom you will meet this summer), "Topological Structures in the Equities Market," PNAS December 30, 2008 vol. 105 no. 52 20589-20594, we found some interesting structure in the correlation network of the NYSE equities market. This required a choice of a time window. It would be interesting to see how/if this structure changes over time and window size, especially on either side of market crises. Scott Pauls has code that could be used to do some of this analysis.

Movement Careers of members (Bogdan State) - I am working with and two Stanford Professors in trying to analyze this social movement organization's member data. One aspect both we and the Couchsurfing management are interested in is the evolution of members in the movement over time. I would like to perform a preliminary analysis of these "movement careers", using a sample of about 10,000 nodes (out of 1.7 milion) we are scheduled to obtain soon.