Summer School on Global Sustainability-Slides
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Summer School on Global Sustainability |
This is the lecture slide archive. Please post lecture slides here.
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Jessika Trancik
Doyne Farmer
Matthew England
Joellen Russel
- The Westerly Winds and Climate Model Projections
- The Southern Hemisphere Westerlies and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Donald Paul
Partha Dasgupta
Andrew Hargadon
Chuck Kutscher
Amory Lovins
John Schellnhuber
Geoffery West
Doug Arent
Jim Giles
Arnulf Grübler
- Global Energy Assessment
- CC and Industrial Production
- Rates of Change and Constraints for Adaptation and Mitigation
Carlo Rubbia
Nebojsa Nakicenovic
- History of Technology and Energy
- Dynamics of Technology: Innovation and Diffusion
- Technological Change: Future Perspectives