
CSSS 2007 Santa Fe-T-shirts

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

CSSS Santa Fe 2007


This is GREAT ! (Saleha)

This might be a great back to go with a ball bearings logos (see below). But of course if we use this for the back, then we should probably remove the "Complex Systems Summer School" lettering since that would on the logo on the front anyway. -Will B.

Ants on a page (for the back?)

This is a picture of a real ant that visited us in the cafe late Monday night while we were working on the t-shirt design. (And yes, the ant was at least that big.) --Will B.

NetLogo pic: pref attach (for the back?)

NetLogo pic: flocking (for the back?)

Original logo with fire flies

Logos with ball bearings (and some fire flies)

Yes, both ball bearing pictures are real, from a published paper. -Will B.

Logo on steroids v1

Logo on steroids v2

Bad logos

Designs prior to Monday night

I like both 1 and 2 - The Lorentz Eyes! I would reverse the lettering and put SFI (not SF) at the top. (See below.) Who is the artist? How do you figure that out from the Wiki? Joe DeRosa

       * Santa Fe Institute
       * Then the drawing
       * CSSS

I liked the T shirt with the Santa Fe Institute ( 'being eaten by ants' ) on it. Saleha Habibullah

Yeah, the ants were cool. If for some reason we are not allowed to reuse past designs, I think it's a good idea to incorporate the SFI logo into the design. Will Braynen.

Doesnt it seem that the 3 S's in CSSS can make for a nice DNA spiral? though that may be an often used idea!

I like the design which combine 2 and 3.

Hi all, here are some crude suggestions about the t-shirt design: variations on the Lorenz (and soccer ;), Fractal and Santa Fe subjects...




I like design no.2( Saleha )

Hello, I wanted to add one more to the cool T-shirt designs, but I am not too good at computer graphics design. Could anyone help?



Obviously a real rough sketch. From Codex Vindobonensis 2554 (French, ca. 1250), in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [1]. (Paul H.)

A very rough sketch (non-existent graphic design skills!), but I hope you get the idea. Can also work monochromatically. Spyro

The turtle net. Yossi