
GSSS 2019-Schedule: Difference between revisions

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

(8 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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| Dan O'Brien (Northeastern University)
| Dan O'Brien (Northeastern University)
| Matt Petersen (LA Cleantech Incubator)
| Ryan Keisler (Descartes Labs)
| Time to Discuss Projects  
| Time to Discuss Projects  
| More time for Projects
| 5-7:45 Welcome Reception Dinner
| 5-7:45 Welcome Reception Dinner
| 8:00pm
| 7:45 Shuttles Depart

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| Phil Enquist  
| Phil Enquist  
| Ryan Keisler (Descartes Labs)
| Matt Petersen (LA Cleantech Incubator)  
| Discussion
| Panel Discussion: Petersen, Bettencourt, and Santa Fe Mayor Webber
| 5:15pm
| 5:15pm
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| Saturday July 20
| Saturday July 20
| Unofficial Gathering - TBD
| Free Day - use the wiki to organize group activities
| Unofficial Gathering - TBD
| Free Day
| Unofficial Gathering - TBD
| Free Day
| Unofficial Gathering - TBD
| Free Day
| Unofficial Gathering - TBD
| Free Day
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| Sunday July 21
| Sunday July 21
| Free Day - use the wiki to organize group activities
| Free Day
| Free Day
| Free Day
| Free Day
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| Thursday July 25
| Thursday July 25
| 8:30 AM
| 8:30 AM
| Time to work on Projects
| Mani Vajipey  
| Mani Vajipey  
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==Speaker Abstracts==
===Chris Kennedy===
History and applications of the study of urban metabolism; insights
from a study of the metabolism of the world’s megacities; introduction to greenhouse gas
“Urban Metabolism”
===Dan O'Brien===
<b> Urban Informatics and How Data Are Reshaping Urban Social Science and Policy</b>
Many have heralded the arrival of “smart cities,” but wherein lies their promise? This
talk will explore the opportunities presented by urban informatics—smart cities’ more
mundane cousin—and how data and technology can advance our understanding of social
phenomena in cities, in turn enabling new and enhanced policies and programs. Importantly, it
will concentrate on resources that are available now to nearly all communities, rather than the
less accessible futuristic innovations often associated with smart cities. The talk will walk
through how novel digital data and crowdsourcing technologies lay the groundwork for a civic
data ecosystem of researchers, policymakers, community leaders, and private corporations that
can translate new information into both innovations in policy and a deepening of urban science.
The talk will discuss this trend across the United States, often using Boston and the Boston Area
Research Initiative as a primary example.
<b> Maintaining the Urban Commons through Civic Technology: Exploring Questions of
Custodianship, Sustainability and Equity</b>
Hundreds of municipalities across the United States and Canada have implemented
311 systems that provide constituents with convenient channels (e.g., hotline, smart phone
app) to report issues in public spaces, like potholes, graffiti, and litter. Such problems are no
one person’s responsibility but affect everyone’s quality of life, and the 311 is a novel channel
for everyday urbanites to address the age old problem of maintaining shared spaces and
infrastructure—that is, custodianship in the urban commons. The rich database of reports
generated by the 311 system tells the story of how, when, and why people act as custodians.
But in doing so, it also reveals broader lessons regarding the potential and limitations of “civic
technologies” that engage constituents in the collaborative deployment of public services. This
talk will explore what an extended collaboration between the Boston Area Research Initiative
and the City of Boston and other local partners has revealed about the dynamics of
custodianship and the maintenance of the urban commons; the sustainability of this
collaborative, technology-forward approach to such maintenance; and the challenges that arise
for questions of equity.
===Matt Petersen===
<b>Creating Sustainable Cities: Using the pLAn as a Case Study</b>
How do cities create commitments to sustainability that are comprehensive and
address equity, economy, and the environment? We&#39;ll explore the origins of the Sustainable
City pLAn, its architecture, and comprehensive nature, and how it evolved upon the required 4-
year update as LA&#39;s Green New Deal. We&#39;ll also explore the origins of the Climate Mayors, the
original focus on deep leadership (i.e., in its initial incarnation as Mayors&#39; National Climate
Action Agenda and commitment to bold commitments, deep climate action plans, and annual
or regular municipal GHG inventories), and the shift to a broader, more inclusive call to action
post-election to include over 400 mayors – including smaller cities who don&#39;t have sustainability
staff or resources for annual inventories, etc –who committed to adopt the Paris Climate
Agreement after Trump declared the US would pull out.
===Audrey de Nazelle===
<b>Air Pollution in Cities, Part 1: Problems and solutions</b>
The state of air pollution problems around the world will be briefly discussed. We will
identify solutions, but also trade-offs and co-benefits. An important aim will be for students to
get a sense of the complexity of air quality research and policy, and also to learn to propose and
evaluate health promoting urban strategies.
<b>Air Pollution in Cities, Part 2: smart innovations in air pollution research and policy</b>
The aim is still to recognize the complexity of air pollution research and regulation,
and to evaluate health-promoting urban strategies. A brief overview of tools in air pollution
research and regulation will be provided, followed by examples of how digital technology can
be used in air pollution research, engagement, and decision-making.
===Ryan Keisler===
<b>Sensors and Semantics: Understanding Earth from Above</b>
===Jagan Shah===
<b>India Smart Cities Mission: lesson in disruption</b>
Imagine the urban sector in India: 1.25 billion people living frugally in about 60,000
villages and wastefully in about 8000 towns and cities; cities that produce wealth, but also
consume and pollute in damaging ways. Imagine most city governments being neither
financially self-reliant nor capable of delivering services at acceptable levels. Now imagine the
Indian government launching a ‘Smart Cities Mission’. Can Indian cities leapfrog with data-
driven governance, artificial intelligence and resource management? Can the ‘smart city’
concept help India to honour its commitments on the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs? The
lecture will address such questions with data, anecdotes and insights. India’s Smart Cities
Mission is designed to be disruptive; it is nicknamed ‘Mission Transform-Nation’. Its logo is a
digital butterfly. In just four years, the Mission has succeeded in running a nation-wide ‘Smart
City Challenge’ to select 100 cities for investment and has promoted integration across
domains, convergence of local resources and the creation of a ‘special purpose vehicle’ to plan,
implement and operate the assets created. Over 27 billion USD has been committed and 6000
projects have been grounded. The lecture will discuss the successes and failures of ‘Mission
<b>Making Urban India Sustainable: needs, challenges, opportunities</b>
Given their current growth and expansion, Indian cities seem to be en route to
becoming unsustainable. Precisely for that reason, they must be the frontline for sustainable
development in India. Sustainability and resilience are necessary for protecting the most
vulnerable citizens, yet the exact opposite – conspicuous development (read: “poured
concrete”) – defines the political economy. This is the situation in urban India, comprising over
8000 cities and 60,000 villages. Economies of scale are easy to identify, smart solutions can
replicate faster, but cities suffer from congestion of various kinds. There is the congestion of
housing, the congestion of narrow economic self-interests, indigent populations pitted against
migrants and start-ups, and there is the congestion of identities; proximity breeding ghettoes.
Making urban India sustainable requires the reinvention of citizenship and civic responsibility –
a nudge towards substantive democracy – such that India can achieve the ‘decoupling’ from
resource-intensive pathways. The systems and networks comprising the city must be low-
carbon, buildings must be ‘green’, renewable energy must get locally generated and
distributed, water must be regulated, and public transportation must keep pace, both
numerically and spatially, with growing demand. While state-of-the-art planning and design are
necessary for sustainable cities, the imperative is social sustainability and active citizens.
===Emily Talen===
<b>Cellular Dynamics of Urban Change: The Neighborhood Basis of Urban Resilience</b>
Resilient cities are neighborhood-based, but few cities are composed of
neighborhoods that meaningfully function as the spatial units that urban dwellers relate to.
Most neighborhoods tend to be ill-defined and exist only as convenient geographic locators or
worse, social separators. In these sessions, I explore how the neighborhoods of resilient cities
could be better defined and experienced: place-based, locally governed, centered, bounded,
and named—but at the same time not defined by insularity or exclusion. This sets up a series of
internal complexities and tensions that need to be resolved in order for neighborhoods to
function as meaningful building blocks of sustainable and resilient cities. The existence of
multiple conceptions of neighborhood—individualized, cognitive, digital, global—the allure of a
looser, contested neighborhood definition, and the complacency that neighborhoods are little
more than “valentines” are countered with an aspirational view that neighborhoods can and
must be something more.
===Christa Brelsford===
<b>Heterogeneity and Sustainability in Cities</b>
Quantifying interactions between social systems and the physical environment we live
within has long been a major scientific challenge. A better empirical understanding of dynamic
interactions between the built environment and urban social structure is necessary to support
predictions of how cities will respond to climate change, ensure energy and water security for
their residents, and to facilitate urban sustainability and resilience. In this talk, I’ll explore both
the spatial and temporal dimensions of heterogeneity in access to urban infrastructure, and
consider how these change overall urban sustainability.
<b>Using Digital Trace Data to describe Urban Social Processes</b>
As the global urban population grows, there is a substantial need for both a universal,
quantitative perspective on what a city is, and also sub-city representations of neighborhoods
and social processes. We need definitions of urban boundaries which can be updated more
rapidly that the decadal censuses which traditionally form the basis of most definitions of
‘cities’, and are more inclusive that pure remote-sensing strategies. Some combination of
remotely sensed information and digital trace data are the most likely strategy for more flexible
maps of urban environments. We demonstrate that it’s possible to use geo-tagged tweets to
distinguish between urban environments in the US and UK based on a spatially embedded
network of social contact and describe how these methods can be extended to generate a
measure of urban areas that can be consistently applied anywhere there is sufficiently
widespread use of the underlying data source. We show how this same data process can also
be used to describe within and across city social connectivity, and describe how these social
communication maps might be used to inform our understanding of the evolution of coupled
social, physical, and economic processes.
===Anni Beukes===
<b>From data collection to actionable intelligence: integrating community local knowledge
and science for sustainable and equitable cities.</b>
Rapid urbanization in emerging cities creates a need to rethink urban planning from
the neighborhood level with impact and benefits for the city at large. Creative methods are at
our disposal to integrate the power of interdisciplinary approaches to human development with
innovations in mapping technologies and local community knowledge. This lecture will trace
the trajectory of collaborative work with organized community groups in slums, scientists and
technologists in generating reliable and verifiable data on slums premising local community
needs and their development agenda. From making the invisible visible, to holding the middle
ground where we combine community local knowledge and mobilizing capacity with state-of
the-art technology and science, for actionable intelligence. We’re seizing a transformational
opportunity to advance a vision for neighborhood equity and empower residents to advocate
for improved opportunities locally through collaborative processes and knowledge making. This
all creates a new framework for how people engage with planning technologies and practices,
the built and natural environment and how these inform human development theory.
===Doug Arent===
<b>From Molecules to Markets: How Innovation in Clean Energy Solutions are Changing Our
The rapid growth of clean energy solutions and their ability to address both
distributed and centralized infrastructure, as well as differences in cost structures relative to
other energy solutions are driving dramatic change in energy systems. The accelerating
advances in materials, components, systems and integrated systems of systems, combined with
digitization, decentralization, computing, design and analytic tools offer increasing
opportunities for rethinking our energy infrastructure, energy services and development
These dynamics—which are proving out via various experiences—imply opportunities and
challenges for development strategies and institutional reform. They also have implications for
advanced R&amp;D portfolios, the formulation and evolution of policy; the role and reform of state-
owned enterprises; as well as privatization and regulation. In addition, the dynamics engender a
particularly active debate regarding decentralization and the balance between central and local
approaches to energy and infrastructure for environmental sustainability and economic

Latest revision as of 20:08, 16 July 2019

GSSS 2019


July 15 - July 26, 2019 - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


Please plan to arrive on Sunday, July 14 and depart on Saturday July 27.

All lectures will take place at the Santa Fe Institute unless notes otherwise

For a list of local happenings in Santa Fe visit:

Tentative Schedule Below: Expect things to change!

At-A-Glance Schedule

Shuttles 9:00-10:15 a.m. Break 10:45 - 12 noon Lunch 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. Break 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. 4:15-5:00p.m. 5:00 - 8:30pm Shuttles
Sunday July 14 10:15-10:45 AM Check-in 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 12:00 - 1:30 PM Check-in 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 2:45 - 3:00 PM Check-in 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Check-in 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Monday July 15 8:30 AM Welcome and Introduction - Luis Bettencourt Student Introductions Chris Kennedy (University of Victoria) Chris Kennedy (University of Victoria) EDU - Intro to Group Projects 5:15pm
Tuesday July 16 8:30 AM Dan O'Brien (Northeastern University) Dan O'Brien (Northeastern University) Ryan Keisler (Descartes Labs) Time to Discuss Projects More time for Projects 5-7:45 Welcome Reception Dinner 7:45 Shuttles Depart
Wednesday July 17 8:30 AM Audrey de Nazelle (Imperial College) Audrey de Nazelle (Imperial College) Charlie Catlett Charlie Catlett Discussion 5:15pm
Thursday July 18 8:30 AM Luis Bettencourt (University of Chicago) Luis Bettencourt (University of Chicago) Time to work on Projects Time to work on Projects Discussion 5:15pm
Friday July 19 8:30 AM Time to work on Projects Ed Mazria (Architecture 2030) Phil Enquist Matt Petersen (LA Cleantech Incubator) Panel Discussion: Petersen, Bettencourt, and Santa Fe Mayor Webber 5:15pm
Saturday July 20 Free Day - use the wiki to organize group activities Free Day Free Day Free Day Free Day
Sunday July 21 Free Day - use the wiki to organize group activities Free Day Free Day Free Day Free Day
Monday July 22 8:30 AM Danielle DuMerer (City of Chicago) Jagan Shah (Smart Cities) Time to work on Projects Time to work on Projects Discussion 5:15pm
Tuesday July 23 8:30 AM Emily Talen Emily Talen Christa Brelsford (Oakridge National Lab) Christa Brelsford (Oakridge National Lab) Discussion 5:15pm
Wednesday July 24 8:30 AM Anni Beukes Anni Beukes Jagan Shah (Smart Cities) Time to work on Projects Discussion 5:15pm
Thursday July 25 8:30 AM Time to work on Projects Mani Vajipey Doug Arent Doug Arent Discussion 5:15pm
Friday July 26 8:30 AM Student Presentations Student Presentations Student Presentations Student Presentations Student Presentations 5:15pm
Saturday July 27