
GSSS 2019-Faculty Publications

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

GSSS 2019

Luis Bettencourt, GSSS Director

The Kind of Problem a City Is
The Pre-History of Urban Scaling
What is a City?

Audrey de Nazelle

Objective correlates and determinants of bicycle commuting propensity in an urban environment
Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches
Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Congenital Anomalies in Barcelona

Christa Brelsford

Industrial Ecology: The View From Complex Systems
Network Structure and Community Evolution on Twitter: Human Behavior Change in Response to the 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

Dan O’Brien

Econometrics in the Age of Big Data
The Influence of Real World Resource Asymmetries on Punishment in Economic Games
Public and Private Spheres of Neighborhood Disorder: Assessing Pathways to Violence Using Large-scale Digital Records

Doug Arent

Approaches for Integrating Renewable Energy Technologies in Oil and Gas Operations
Ten Principles for Power Sector Transformation in Emerging Economies
Net-zero emissions energy systems

Emily Talen

Plan vs. Process: The Case of Neighbourhood Planning
In support of the unambiguous neighborhood: a proposed size typology
The relentless link between neighbourhoods and segregation: what are the alternatives?