
Global Sustainability Summer School 2019

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

GSSS 2019


July 15- 26 - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


The GSSS provides an intensive two-week program on urban sustainability. This school is available for postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, scientists, policy makers, and business professionals. The school is for participants who seek background and hands-on experience to help them prepare to conduct interdisciplinary research in areas related to urban sustainability.

Economic growth and human development are properties of urbanizing human societies. But cities also concentrate most of the world’s human population and the strongest challenges to local and global sustainability, related to increased resource consumption, pollution, wastes, and many forms of impact on biodiversity, both within and beyond urban areas. Thus, it is often said that the battle for sustainable development will be won or lost in cities.

The Global Sustainability Summer School 2019 will be focused on cities, urbanization and their connection to problems of global sustainability.

The school is organized around a set of interdisciplinary, cutting-edge lectures and discussions that will focus on many interdependent aspects of cities, starting with the nature of their social and economic networks and their role in economic growth and human development, their demands on resource consumption and the characteristics of new technologies that may shift the balance between the benefits and impacts of development. The school will provide an empirically-based assessment of the challenges to sustainability connected to cities and create an integrated view of what it would take for emerging scientific perspectives and new technologies to solve the issue of sustainable development of human societies.

All activities will be conducted in English. Participants are expected to attend the entire session.

Applicants are welcome from all countries. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Enrollment is limited.