
GSSS 2019-Resource Guide

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

GSSS 2019

Surviving Santa Fe

Tipping Guide

It is customary to tip for service at almost all sit-down restaurants. Those who provide the service often rely on tips for the majority of their income so it's expected and appreciated!

- For a sit down meal, generally tip 15-20 percent of the bill.
- At a buffet style restaurant or when there is a tip jar by the cash register, tip 10 percent of your bill.
- It's also polite to tip food delivery drivers and bartenders (15 percent is acceptable).
- Here is a guide with more info if you have further questions!

Important Contacts

Santa Fe Institute 1399 Hyde Park Road (Tel: 505-984-8800)
SFI Main Campus.

Grocery, Beer and Wine

Kaune Neighborhood Market 511 Old Santa Fe Trail
(Corner of Paseo de Peralta & Old Santa Fe Trail)
Locally owned grocery store. Stocks an impressive selection of high end and local foods.

Whole Foods 753 Cerrillos Road
Organic supermarket. Large selection of meats, cheeses and wines.

Albertson’s 600 N. Guadalupe Street
General grocery store with reasonable prices. Has a pharmacy and bank.

Trader Joe’s 530 W. Cordova Road
Gourmet grocery store with an emphasis on prepackaged meals. Large frozen foods section.


Walgreens 1906 S. St. Francis Drive
Open 24 hours a day. Over-the-counter and prescription medicines.

Pharmaca 530 W. Cordova Road
Holistic/Alternative medicines as well as prescription/OTC pharmacy.

Sav-On 511 W. Cordova Road
Pharmacy and convenience store. Has most household, toiletry and stationery needs.

Medical and Dental

Ultimed700 Paseo de Peralta (downtown) (Tel: 505-989-8707)
For emergencies and minor illnesses. Offers on-site x-rays. Convenient downtown location.

St. Vincent Hospital 455 St. Michael’s Drive (Tel: 505-995-3934)
For life threatening emergencies. Address also contains several local doctor’s offices within the Regional Medical Center complex.

Santa Fe Family Health 2801 Rodeo Road (Tel: 505-474-0120)
For colds, cough, and general illness. Offers referrals and limited on-site lab work, including x-rays.


-Santa Fe does not have a taxi cab service. Use Uber or Lyft rideshare apps.

-Remember that Santa Fe is located at 7,000 feet (2,133 meters) with some parts of the city even higher. Altitude sickness is a real threat for visitors coming in from sea level. Drink plenty of water and go easy on the exercise for a few days. If you feel it is necessary, a cottage industry of oxygen bars has sprung up in town to suit your needs.

-Sunburn and heat exhaustion may be issues encountered on outdoor trips. Be sure to pack sunscreen, water, a hat, and sunglasses (even if you aren’t sensitive to the sun).

-When hiking, be aware of animals: rattlesnakes and other critters like to sun themselves during the day. Mice and other rodents in the region can carry diseases such as bubonic plague and hanta virus. Mountain lions and black bears sometimes come down from the mountains during the summer. Use common sense when out on the trails.

-Santa Fe is not a late night city: most shops close by 7:00pm and restaurants stop seating at 9:00pm. Fridays and Saturdays things may stay open a bit longer, but there are very few places that cater to a late night crowd. Plan your trips accordingly.

-Local guides for events in Santa Fe are essential for catching much of the city’s arts and culture. Most gallery openings and music events will have listings.

Local guides include: • The Santa Fe Reporter Santa Fe’s local weekly has movie listings and a calendar of weekly events, with reviews and commentary on must-see events for that week. Also includes reviews of restaurants, and local news. In print or web.

Pasatiempo The Santa Fe New Mexican has daily listings of events, but their weekly arts and culture publication, Pasatiempo lists the entire week as well as reviews. Pasatiempo can be found in newsstands or in the Friday edition of the New Mexican.