Summer School on Global Sustainability-Readings
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Summer School on Global Sustainability |
Please note that the Summer School on Global Sustainability-Lectures page may have additional assignments.
The Global Sustainainability Summer School co-directors have recommended the following speech by President Barack Obama as a preface to your time at the program.
Partha Dasgupta
The following papers should be read as supplemental to those lectures given, and for the program at large:
- Common Property Resources: Economic Analysis
- A Matter of Trust: Social Capital and Economic Development
- The Place of Nature in Economic Development
Arnulf Grübler
- Industrialization as a Historical Phenomenon
- Time for Change: On the Patterns of Diffusion of Innovation
Dennis Meadows
Please review the Fishbanks Game Manual for Professor Meadows' second lecture on Thursday July 23. Hard copies will be available that day.
Chuck Kutscher
Please read the appendix and "Overview and Summary of the Studies" from the ASES "Tackling Climate Change" report as well as the coal phaseout paper and the column on Concentrating Solar Power.
For those interested, here is the paper by Jim Hansen and his colleagues arguing that atmospheric CO2 must be brought below 350 ppm:
For those interested, student posters from my "Climate Change Solutions" class are on the web at:
Participant-Suggested Readings
Climate Change
Geology & Land Use
Small is Beautiful by E.F. Shumacher and it's supplemental essay A Guide for the Perplexed. Very much in the philosophical spectrum of ecology and economics. A bit dated perhaps, but the material is still very relevant to much of the movement today. -JP
"The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World" - Robert William Fogel
Technology & Technological Change
"Two Billions Cars: Driving Toward Sustainability" - Daniel Sperling, Deborah Gordon
"Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World" - Andreas Schafer, John B. Heywood, Henry D. Jacoby, Ian A. Waitz