
CSSS 2008 Argentina-Readings

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CSSS Argentina 2008

Week 1

Definition of chaos; examples in various fields

An extended example: the logistic map, in that context, introduce: bifurcations bifurcation diagram and its structure, incl. Feigenbaum number fractals and their connection to chaos continuous-time dynamics: definition

Introduce concepts: state variables, state space, trajectory, initial condition, transient, attractor, basin of attraction, fixed point, stability, bifurcation, parameter An extended example: the Lorenz system history, physical meaning trajectories, attractors, bifurcations (give examples & reiterate definitions) types of attractors stability: definition & mathematics, incl. eigenstuff, un/stable manifolds Lyapunov exponent and the connection to chaos numerical solvers: roles and issues shadowing projection vs section Poincare sections in space & time delay-coordinate embedding examples: roulette, the SFI competition applications: filtering control of chaos synchronization & communication spacecraft orbits chaos in the solar system harnessing the butterfly effect in fluids

Week 2