
Scaling in Biological and Social Networks - Abstracts

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Revision as of 21:38, 26 June 2007 by Alexr (talk | contribs)
Workshop Navigation

Banerjee, Soumya - TBD

Barthelemy, Marc - TBD

Beslon, Guillaume - TBD

Bettencourt, Luis - TBD

Blum, Michael - TBD

Bonabeau, Eric - TBD

Bourgine, Paul - TBD

Brooks, Aaron - TBD

Chavalarias, David - TBD

Chertkov, Michael - TBD

Clauset, Aaron - TBD

Cointet, Jean-Philippe - TBD

Doursat, Rene - TBD

Dunne, Jennifer - TBD

Gastner, Michael - TBD

Girvan, Michelle - TBD

Holme, Petter - TBD

Kempe, David - TBD

Knibbe, Carole - TBD

Lesne, Annick - TBD

Moore, Cris - TBD

Morvan, Michel - TBD

Moses, Melanie - TBD

Pelligrino, Francois - TBD

Peyrieras, Nadine - TBD

Saia, Jared - TBD

Samaniego, Horacio - TBD

West, Geoffrey - TBD