Renske Vroomans
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2014 |

Hi, I am Renske, a PhD student at Utrecht University. I work in the Theoretical Biology group on modelling expression patterns in embryonic tissue, which are created by gene regulatory networks. In particular, I aim to investigate the interaction between the formation of a segmented pattern (stripes), and tissue shape changes caused by the movement of cells. I enjoy working with (computational) models, in part because they help me think clearly about what I do and do not know, and what the consequences of certain assumptions are. But the magic really begins when theory and experiment can be combined of course!
Project interests:
all very vague, but hopefully it gives a bit of an anchor to discuss.
Networks: analysis and function (I don't have a clearly outlined idea)
But also, I'd be interested in getting an overview of how people envision, model and analyse their own networks, to perhaps gain tools for my own work and to be able to communicate more easily with you :).
Spatial pattern formation (did you see the vegetation patterns from the plane flying over new mexico? :))
evolution and adaptation, learning (not an expert, would like to learn more)
My hobbies:
listening to and playing music (mainly irish and european folk). I sing and play flute.
Argentinian tango
Bal folk (folk dancing)
kung fu