
Cory Cox

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Complex Systems Winter School 2015


I am a PhD student in Network Science at the newly-formed program at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. I have master’s degrees in political science, criminology, and I am currently completing a program in Eurasian energy politics at European University at St. Petersburg, Russia. My research aims to apply network and complex systems approaches to questions central to achieving energy security. Specifically, my work aims to address network-bound problems of energy trade, transportation, and pipeline projects that constrain market liquidity. I intend to use the knowledge gained in India to import a complex systems approach to a newly-forming course at EUSP in research methods that I hope to teach in 2017. Professionally, I am a CTO for a small startup tech company that uses network methods to measure and analyze crucial bonds within organizational networks, both formal and informal - often in merger and acquisition settings. Website.