
Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2016 (REU)

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2016


Welcome REU Participants!

We look forward to seeing you in June.

-The SFI Education Team

To access a mobile app of the schedule, logistics, and faculty list please use your mobile device to visit: Coming Soon

Also, visit the REU Facebook page to get to know your fellow participants at: The REU Facebook Page

Welcome to the Santa Fe Institute REU Program!

We are so pleased you have decided to apply to the Santa Fe Institute REU program. I want to let you know that if you need any help during the application process or have questions about SFI we are here for you and happy to help in anyway we can.

Quickly, I want to explain why SFI is such a great place to do research and what you can expect from our REU program!

The Culture and Community of SFI:

SFI is one of the most inclusive and fun science research institutes in the world. At SFI we are very serious about science but we also like to have fun and be creative. We like to give our scientists total intellectual freedom with the most support we can offer so to foster the next leaders in science. Some people have even gone so far as to call SFI a playground for scientists : ) At SFI you will get to work one-on-one with some of the top minds of our generation on some of the most interesting and big questions that face us today. Here at SFI we try very hard to make everyone in the community feel included everyday we have lunch and teatime together as a community. We work hard and we play hard!

To learn more about the research that we do at SFI visit our website and read the profiles of our Faculty and Postdocs here. If any of them sound interesting and you have questions feel free to shoot them an email.

The Program Format:

The program will mostly be one-on-one work with your SFI faculty or postdoctoral mentor working on an individual research project that will be crafted by you and your mentor. The first two weeks of the program we will spend some time doing tutorials to catch us all up to speed on some technical and practical skills. During the tutorials we will learn multiple programming languages, go over key mathematical concepts, and even more importantly learn the practical skills of what it takes to be a scientist, like how to give a talk, write a science research paper, write a grant proposal, and apply to graduate school. Then during the final week of the program each participant will give a short presentation to the SFI community and turn in a final paper in collaboration with their mentor. Note that these papers are often publishable in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Meet our Former REUS!

But don’t take if from me, hear from our previous REUS:

You can watch video interviews from our REU alumni and hear about their experiences at SFI here.

"At the Santa Fe Institute, I made lifelong friends and important research contacts. I spent the summer fully immersed in interdisciplinary research, working on my own project, attending high-level lectures, and discussing new concepts over lunch and tea. It was the most challenging and rewarding research experience I have ever had, and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work in such an extraordinary collaborative environment." -Madeleine Daepp, 2012 REU Cohort

If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact me anytime at 505-946-2726, e-mail me at, or contact me to set up a video chat on Google Hangout or Skype.

We look hope see you in June!

Santa Fe Institute - REU Program
, 1399 Hyde Park Rd.,
Santa Fe, NM 87501

For further information about the program, please e-mail, or call (505) 946-2726.

The Santa Fe Institute REU Program is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number ACI-1358567 and the ASU-SFI International REU Fellows are funded by Arizona State University

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Arizona State University.