
New Mexico's Renewable Energy Future

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

2007 Public Lectures

Ben Luce, a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, is Director of the New Mexico Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy.

Discussant: Jessika Trancik, SFI Postdoctoral Fellow

New Mexico has made significant progress over the past decade adopting strong renewable energy incentives and requirements; these in turn have led to significant solar, wind, and biomass development in the state. Luce explains some of these cutting-edge technologies, including new wind power and large-scale “concentrating solar power” technologies, some of which could be providing a large fraction of New Mexico’s power in the near future. He will also describe new photovoltaic (solar electric) technologies, including some that almost completely diminish the need for costly materials such as silicon. On the policy side he will discuss the continuing implementation of the state’s Renewable Energy Standard along with associated tax incentives and other energy legislation

Wednesday, May 9 at 7:30 pm

James A. Little Theater

New Mexico School for the Deaf

1060 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe