
Learning Analytics Workshop - Readinglist

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Works from SFI

1. Complexity a Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell (the canonical introduction to complex systems)
2. A Crude Look at the Whole by John Miller (a brand new book by one of our earliest researchers on complex systems)
3. Social learning strategies modify the effect of network structure on group performance by Mirta Galesic
4. Assessing an Educational Mentorship Program in an Urban Context by Jeremy van Cleve and Clio Andris
5. Dynamics of Beneficial Epidemics by the SFI Postdocs,
6. Complex networks as an emerging property of hierarchical preferential attachment by Laurent Hebert-Dufresne
7. Strategic tradeoffs in competitor dynamics on adaptive networks by Laurent Hebert-Dufresne (idea transmission in networks)

8. Lemke, J.L. and N. Sabelli. “Complex Systems and Educational Change: Towards a New Research Agenda.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1), January, 2008.

RR Recommendations
8. [1](Perhaps the seminal paper on an economic framework for thinking about the roles entities play in forming a network. predates Airbnb, Uber, etc)