Chile Complex Systems Summer School 2013-Participants
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Chile Complex Systems Summer School 2013 |
To post a photo, bio, and answer the questions below please email them to
- What are your main interests? Feel free to include a "pie in the sky" big idea!
- What sort of expertise can you bring to the group?
- What do you hope to get out of the CCSSS?
- Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CCSSS?
Also visit the Facebook Complex Systems Summer School Page to get to know each other informally.
Adams Fabrizio Vallejos Donoso, Universidad de Concepcion
Alan Godoy Souza Mello, University of Campinas
Alberto Pascual-García, CSIC-UAM
Alvaro Diaz-Ruelas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Alyssa Cirtwill, University of Canterbury
Ashwin Viswanathan, Indian Institute of Science
Damián Gabriel Hernández Lahme, Centro Atómico Bariloche, CONICET
Eugenio Azpeitia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Felipe Marcel Neves, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
Fernando Rosas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Himanshu Kaul, University of Oxford
Jan Haerter, Niels Bohr Inst.
Jeff Alstott, University of Cambridge / the US NIH
Jelena Grujic, Imperial College London
Juan Pablo Vigneaux Ariztía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Luis Carlos Garcia del Molino, Universite Paris Diderot
Robbie Burger, University of New Mexico
Roberto Elías Navarro Maldonado, Universidad de Chile
Vasco Cortez, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Yasmín Navarrete Díaz, Universidad de Chile