
ARCS 2007 - Agenda

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To download the most recent ARCS agenda please click here File:ARCS-2007-Agenda.pdf.

Please note, this agenda is subject to change.


Thursday, September 27
8:30 a.m. Registration and Coffee
9:00 Introduction, Geoffrey West, President & Distinguished Professor, SFI
9:15 Keynote: "The Mind Has No Firewall: Experiences From Active Testing, Keith A. Rhodes, PE, CCP, U.S. Government Accountability Office
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Keynote: "An Autonomic Approach to Denial of Srvice Detection and Defense", Erol Gelenbe, FACM, FIEEE, FIEE, Imperial College London
11:15 Information Assurance: A Socio-Organizational Perspective, Debi Ashenden, Cranfield University
11:45 Security in Action, Eric Ashdown, Microsoft
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:30 A Resilient Protocol from Medieval Venice, Miranda Mowbray, HP Labs
2:00 Assurance of Systems You Don't Control - New Public Sector Approaches, Steve Marsh, UK Cabinet Office
2:30 Ignorance is Bliss in An Anywhere, Anytime, Anydevice World, Mark Drew, BT
3:00 Coffee/td>
3:30 R&D for Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, Mike Corcoran, CPNI
4:00 Disrupting the Cybercrime Business Model, Jeremy Ward, Symantec
4:30 A Biologically-inspired Security Solution for MANETs, Richard Ford Florida Tech University
5:00 A Degree Distribution Power Law for Intrusion Detection, Philip R. Moyer, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
5:30 Social Trust for Decentralized, Mobile, and Virtualized Networks, Rita Wouhaybi, Hong Li, and John Vicente, Intel
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Dinner - Imperial College