
Nataša Puzović

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Complex Systems Summer School 2020


Nataša Puzović
PhD Candidate
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology - Germany

I grew up in Belgrade, Serbia, where I completed my bachelor studies in Molecular Biology, with some courses in Applied Mathematics. Afterwards, I moved to Germany and completed my Master studies in Molecular Biology and Evolution in Kiel, and currently I am a PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Ploen. I am interested in how systems of hundreds of interacting components function at all and evolve over time, examples of which cover anything from state economies to biological pathways in cells. This is why I during my PhD I have chosen to investigate the evolution of gene expression noise in the context of gene networks. Otherwise, I like reading, discussions over coffee, video games and eating (and making) food from all around the world. I am very eager to meet everyone this summer and explore complexity science and Santa Fe together!