Undergraduate Complexity Research 2020-Participants
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Undergraduate Complexity Research (UCR) 2020 |
Please send your photo to education@santafe.edu to be displayed with your bio on this page.
Katja Della Libera
Minerva Schools at KGI - USA
Bio: Katja is an adventurous international student originally from Germany. She went to a United World College for secondary school and moved on to Minerva Schools at KGI, where she is currently finishing her junior year while traveling across the world. She fell in love with computer programming at university and worked for Wolfram Research. Her second passion is in ecology, especially computational ecology and modeling of ecosystem phenomenons. She loves spending time outdoors, especially birdwatching or hiking.
Maxwell Flanagan
Arizona State University - USA
Bio: I am from Chicago, and now attend Arizona State University studying math, economics, and science and technology policy. My research at ASU has spanned a computer science lab developing consensus algorithms for Muli-Agent drone systems, applying statistical learning methods to EEG data in a Neuroscience lab, and now I'm working out of the Global Bio-social Complexity Initiative, hoping to engage in research relating narratives, political polarization, and belief dynamics.
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