
Machine Learning, Complexity and Market Behavior Agenda

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki


SFI ACtioN Topical Meeting

August 8, 2019
New York, New York

Agenda: Emergent Engineering

8:00 am Breakfast and Registration
8:30 am Welcome and Introduction

Juan Luis Perez, UBS, and William Tracy, Santa Fe Institute

8:45 am Jessica Flack, Santa Fe Institute
9:45 am David Krakauer, Santa Fe Institute
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Collective Intelligence Panel
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Blake LeBaron, Brandeis University
2:30 pm Andrew Lo, MIT and Santa Fe Institute
3:30 pm Break
3:45 pm Homogeneity of Trading Strategies Panel
5:15 pm Adjourn