Complex Systems Summer School 2017-Tutorials
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2017 |
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis using Empirical Dynamic Modeling (EDM)
Hey all, I've done some work with non-linear time series analysis using empirical dynamic modeling (Sugihara et al., 2012). If anyone is interested in these approaches, I'd be happy to give a tutorial on the R EDM package that can be used to look for 1. nonlinearity in time-series, 2. causality between variables, and 3. optimizing combinations of system variables to create "equation-free mechanistic models". I've used this method looking at marine phytoplankton time-series, combining several species and environmental variables. The final product was messy, but helped identify important system variables in ecosystems :)
Online walk-through of the R EDM package [1]!
- Sugihara, George et al. “Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems.” Science 338.6106 (2012): 496–500. Web.
- Ye, Hao et al. “Equation-Free Mechanistic Ecosystem Forecasting Using Empirical Dynamic Modeling.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.13 (2015): E1569–E1576. Web.
Interested Participants:
- Zhiya Zuo. Thanks for this! Is there a desired time/location?
--> No plan for a time/location yet...I'm waiting to see if there is enough interest. I would be happy to do this whenever.
- Kayla Sale
- Jake Weissman
- Ximo Pechuan
- Markus Junginger
- Alicia Kraay
- Kyle Lemoi
- Anand Nair
- Carla Rivera
- Ramona Roller
- Tim Kunisky
- Marco Pangallo
- Hilje Doekes
- Spencer Fox
- Shanee Stopnitzky - I wrote a little condensed version of a tutorial for this package that I can send around
- Shing Zhan
- Katarina Mayer
- Rachel Gicquelais
- Elaine Bochniewicz
- Mark