
ARCS (Adaptive and Resilient Computer Security) Workshop BusNet

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ARCS 2006 is the fifth meeting of a workshop designed to bring together senior industrial researchers, policy makers and leading academics in the area of adaptive approaches to computer security. The format of the meeting is two days of presentations and discussions. It is sponsored by the Santa Fe Institute, BT Group and the British Computer Society. This workshop is organized by Dr. Robert Ghanea-Hercock, BT and Shannon Larsen, Santa Fe Institute.

Also see Call for Papers

This year’s workshop will be held at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe, a superb setting with opportunities to interact with the resident SFI world-class researchers. In addition the event precedes the annual SFI Business Network meeting on 3-4th Nov., to be held in Santa Fe, and attendees will have an opportunity to also register for this event. Please see Registration & Fees for for detailed registration information. If you would like to attend this event, please contact the Program Chair, details below:

Program Committee

Chair, Dr. Robert Ghanea-Hercock, BT labs.

Dave Rossetti, Vice President of Cisco Systems IP Internet Services
Dr Sanjay Goel, University of Albany
Dr Fabrice Saffre, BT Labs
Dr Hong Li, Intel
Dr Miranda Mowbray, HP Labs UK