
Beyond Tit-for-Tat: overall profit on spatial evolutionary games

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Revision as of 19:34, 10 June 2010 by Blasid (talk | contribs)

A standard extension for evolutionary game theory is adding space and fixing the players over some well defined structure- most of times a simple grid, but there' s a lot done about games in complex networks, too. Basically, players can interact only with other players that are (at most) k-order neighbors. While in non-spatial evolutionary games the dynamics are given for the fraction of the population that plays a particular strategy, generally in spatial models population is fixed and what changes in time is the probability for a particular player to play a certain strategy. Usually, the dynamical systems for these probabilities depend on the success of that particular strategy: in plain words, you try to play strategies that you know that work well. One nice paper to get familiarized with this is The point is that all the papers that I' ve read so far related with spatial game theory pay attention to the nature of the Nash equilibrium -generally a mixed strategy- and its spatial structure. My idea is to look for another criterion to analyze the optimality of a certain strategy -or a certain history of strategies- in terms of the final accumulated wealth of the player. What I' m trying to say? Well, in spatial game theory context we often think of a strategy like an optimal one if it can do it well against all of its neighbors. But it is reasonable if we consider the accumulated wealth -namely, the sum of all the individual gain/losses of the entire game- like a parameter of how good a whole history of strategies is. What if we find that the optimal history of strategies has well-defined characteristic times that depend on the size of the system? Is there a well-defined function fitting the wealth-rank relation? Is there a correlation between accumulated wealth and the fraction of time that a player played a certain strategy? A reasonable first step would be to run a classical hawk-dove or something like it in a grid. If the results are promising, further extension to other games and network topologies would be great.

If you' ve reached this line I can guess that you may have some interest, so let' s talk about it today at afternoon. I' ll be pleased to give more mathematical precision if it is needed, and of course I'm waiting for improves/advices for this project.


Damian Blasi

Chaitanya Gokhale