
CSSS 09 Social Network

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Revision as of 23:34, 27 August 2009 by Roozbeh (talk | contribs)


CSSS09 is a group of people interested in complex systems who are randomly chosen to attend the one month summer school. The international and interdisciplinary group spends four weeks together learning, discussing and working on projects related to complex systems. We are interested in understanding the following questions:

  • What is the social interaction network?
  • How does the network change over time?
  • What other factors influence the evolution of the network?
  • How frequently was there discussion between disciplines and did that lead to productive final projects?
  • Is there a link between the social and final product networks?


  • Stage 1: First survey (profile, social contacts, future collaboration) – after 2nd weeks
  • Stage 2: Second survey (language, social activities, social contacts, future collaboration) – end of 3rd week
  • Stage 3: Network visualisation in NetLogo (proto type) & discussion on approaches for further analysis of data
  • Stage 4: Survey at the end of 4th week and one month after summer school



  • Roozbeh
    • Polish the paper so far
    • Visually show the gender and incoming and outgoing links
    • Visualize specialty of people
    • Add Margreth's data (paper), table 3, into the paper
    • Try reducing the data to people who only answered all three surveys
    • Go through Wendy's email and apply her suggestions