
Principles of Repurposing - Agenda

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Workshop Navigation

Each talk is scheduled to last approximately 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of discussion.

The starting times for the talks are listed here. As soon as a more complete schedule (including shuttle times, etc.) is available, it will be posted here.

Monday, July 14

9:00 Jon Wilkins: "Workshop Introduction / Repurposing of the Epigenetic Machinery in Genomic Imprinting"

10:00 Coffee

10:30 Dave Ackley: "Software Evolvability"

11:30 Victor Seidel: "Crafting interpretation in ambiguous contexts: Conceptual modularity and the evolution of novel product concepts"

12:30 Lunch

2:00 Ryan Lampe: "Do Patent Pools Encourage Innovation? Evidence from the 19th-Century Sewing-Machine Industry"

3:00 Tea

3:30 Nicholas de Monchaux: "Interstellar Favela: architectural repurposing and the urban extreme"

4:30 General Discussion

5:00 End

Tuesday, July 15

9:00 Jessika Trancik: "Costs, benefits, and degrees of technological repurposing"

10:00 Coffee

10:30 April Cognato: "Male pregnancy and other evolutionary novelties: Gene ‘repurposing’ and the genesis of evolutionary innovation"

11:30 Joram Piatigorsky: "Gene Sharing and Evolution: Lens Crystallins Exemplify that Specialization and Diversification Can Occur Simultaneously"

12:30 Lunch

2:00 Lila Chrysikou: "Creative Repurposing: From Goals to Tools to Features and Back Again"

3:00 Tea

3:30 Small-Group Discussions

4:30 General Discussion

5:00 End

Wednesday, July 16

9:00 Doug Erwin: "TBA"

10:00 Coffee

10:30 Athena Aktipis: "Assortment, levels of selection and the evolution of novel functions: insights from basic principles in the evolution of cooperation."

11:30 Luis Bettencourt: "Evolving fields in Science and Technology: concept exploration, exploitation and the emergence of consensus"

12:30 Lunch

2:00 Small-Group Discussions

3:00 Tea

3:30 Wrap-up discussion

5:00 End