CSSS 2008 Neuroscience Working Group
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
This page describes work on a project related to neuroscience issues for the 2008 CSSS.
What questions do we want to answer?
The overarching question I'd like to address is:
How do the decision-making criteria of the indivual affect the behavior of the group?
There are a lot of more specific questions we could pose related to this; for the first meeting or two, I'd like to zoom in on asking things in a more constrained way.
What is the relevant background?
Articles on the neuroscience of decision-making:
- short review article outlining general approaches towards modeling decision-making in neuroscience: a good place to start
- Science paper presenting the initial experiments on a simplified foraging task, and trying to understand neural correlates of perceived "value"
- theory paper explaining the "LNP" (linear-nonlinear-Poisson) model used to model decision-making processes
- Rushworth and Behrens 2008 Review article on work in cingulate and parietal cortex of humans by the Rushworth group at Oxford.
How shall we answer them?
My (Rory's) only criterion: all code will be in MATLAB. No disrespect for other languages: I think Python's great and am learning it, and NetLogo is convenient; but I know for a fact that things will get done much faster if I can code in MATLAB. I'm just that kinda guy. :)
Logistics: when and where do we meet?
First meeting is at 9pm in the Lower Dorm Common Room, Friday 6/13.
People: Who's interested?
Please sign below if you'd like to work on this with me. I'll make an email list with names from these people. (You don't have to give me your address here; I can figure it out.)