
Scaling in Biological and Social Networks - Attendees

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Name Affiliation
Bourgine, Paul Ecole Polytechnique and ISF-PIF Paris
Moore, Cris UNM & SFI
Morvan, Michel Ecole Normal Superieure de Lyon and IXXI Lyond & SFI
Banerjee, Soumya UNM
Barthelemy, Marc CEA
Beslon, Guillaume Insa Lyon
Bettencourt, Luis Sfi & LANL
Blum, Michael University of Grenoble
Bonabeau, Eric Icosystem
Brooks, Aaron UNM
Chavalarias, David Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS
Chertkov, Michael LANL
Clauset, Aaron SFI
Cointet, Jean-Philippe CREA-CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique
Doursat, Rene CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
Dunne, Jennifer SFI
Gastner, Michael SFI
Girvan, Michelle Maryland
Holme, Petter UNM
Kempe, David USC
Knibbe, Carole Faculty de Maydecine Necker
Lesne, Annick IHES
Moses, Melanie UNM
Pelligrino, Francois CNRS - University de Lyon IXXI
Peyrieras, Nadine Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS
Saia, Jared UNM
Samaniego, Horacio UNM
West, Geoffrey SFI