Complex Systems Summer School 2017-Participants
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2017 |
The bio you provide at registration will be posted on this page.
To post a photo and answer the questions below please email them to
- What are your main interests? Feel free to include a "pie in the sky" big idea!
- What sort of expertise can you bring to the group?
- What do you hope to get out of the CSSS?
- Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS?
Aaron Schwartz, University of Vermont - U.S.
Abdel Abdelgabar, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience - Netherlands
Adrián Soto, Stony Brook University - U.S.
Aida Huerta Barrientos, University of Mexico - Mexico
Alberto Micheletti, University of St Andrews - U.K.
Alexander Barron, Indiana University - U.S.
Alexandra Jurgens, University of California, Davis - U.S.
Alicia Kraay, University of Michigan Ann Arbor - U.S.
Alje van Dam, Utrecht University - Netherlands
Anastasiia Ignatova, ETH Zurich - Switzerland
Andrew Johnson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography - San Diego - U.S.
Basak Taraktas, Northwestern University - U.S.
Burcu Tepekule, ETH Zurich - Switzerland
G.Cigdem Yalcin, Istanbul University - Turkey
Carla Rivera, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Chile
Carlos Viniegra, Cutter Consortium - Mexico
Christopher Miles, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - U.S.
Deepa Rao, MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - U.S.
Dmitriy Kunisky, New York University - U.S.
Doheum Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Republic of Korea
Ella Jamsin, Delft University of Technology - Netherlands
Elliot Nelson, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics - Canada
Freya Casier, The Danish National Centre fro Social Research - Denmark
Gijsbert Werner, University of Oxford - U.K.
Gregory Britten, University of California, Irvine - U.S.
Hilje Doekes, Utrecht University - Netherlands
Horacio Marchand, Marchand Asociados - Mexico
Hugo Barbosa, University of Rochester - U.S.
Jeremy Farrell, Emory University - U.S.
Jiri Moravec, Massey University - New Zealand
Junfu Zhao, University of Utah - U.S.
Katarina Mayer, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies - South Korea
Kayla Sale, University of Arizona - U.S.
Kyle Reing, University Of Southern California (USC) - U.S.
Laura Elsler, Stockholm Resilience Center - Sweden
Maartje Oostdijk, University of Iceland - Iceland
Makoto Jones, VA Salt Lake City HCS / University of Utah SOM - U.S.
Marco Pangallo, University of Oxford - U.K.
Mario Andrés Muñoz Acosta, Monash University - Australia
Marjan Fadavi Ardekani, New School for Social Research - U.S.
Mark Kirstein, TU Dresden - Germany
Markus Junginger, Porsche AG - Germany
Martina Balestra, New York University - U.S.
Nayely Velez-Cruz, Arizona State University - U.S.
Rachel Gicquelais, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor - U.S.
Ramona Roller, University of Amsterdam - Netherlands
Rémi Lamarque, Aix-Marseille Université - France
Sandro Lera, ETH Zurich - Switzerland
Sean Wu, University of California - Berkeley - U.S.
Shanee Stopnitzky, University of California - Santa Cruz - U.S.
Shing Zhan, University of British Columbia - Canada
Spencer Fox, University of Texas at Austin - U.S.
Stefan Bucher, New York University - U.S.
Surendra Hazarie, University of Rochester - U.S.
Ulf Aslak Jensen, University of Copenhagen - Denmark
Uzay Çetin, Graduate of Boğaziçi University - Turkey
V. Bleu Knight, New Mexico State University - U.S.
Valentina Bacetti, Macquarie University - Australia
Valérie Reijers, Radboud University Nijmegen - Netherlands
Victoria Sheng, University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Xue Guo, University of St Andrews - U.K.
Yael Gurevich, Tel Aviv University - Israel
Yao Liu, Northern Arizona University - U.S.
Yasaman Moghadamnia, Alzahra University - Iran