NSF Neuro 2007 Contributed Homework Assignments
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Note: Homework contributions are organized by breakout group in the following list, but participants' contributions
were not constrained by group assignment.
Neuroethological and Developmental Mechanisms: Molecular and
Cellular Approaches
Eve Marder, Brandeis University
- HomeworkComer.pdf
- HomeworkFeller.pdf
- HomeworkKay.pdf
- HomeworkSengupta.pdf
- HomeworkWingfield.pdf
- HomeworkZakon.pdf
Organization of Behavior: Emerging Principles
Partha Mitra, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Plasticity, Learnin, and Development
Jay McClelland, Stanford University
Signal Processing and its Development in the Brain
Emery Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- HomeworkAbbott.pdf
- HomeworkPaninski.pdf
- HomeworkPfaff.pdf
- HomeworkSolla.pdf
- HomeworkVonDerMarlsburg.pdf
Measuring the Brain: From Synapse to Thought
Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois
- HomeworkEpstein.pdf
- HomeworkGillette.pdf
- HomeworkLi.pdf
- HomeworkLin.pdf
- HomeworkShepherd.pdf
- HomeworkSweedler.pdf
- HomeworkWightman.pdf
Cognitive Systems Across Levels of Analysis in Brain Systems
Marcus Raichle, Washington University
Biomimetics and the Neuron/Silicon Interface
Ted Berger, University of Southern California