
NSF Neuro 2007

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Brain Science at the Interface of Biological, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science, and Engineering: Analysis of New Opportunities

March 4-6, 2007
Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel
Arlington, Virginia

This workshop seeks to identify new research directions, issues, and opportunities for the NSF basic research mission. Our charge is to identify, analyze, and prioritize emerging research opportunities, with attention to short- and long-term objectives, specific needs that must be addressed to enable efficient scientific progress, and broader impacts of the research. The NSF is interested in opportunities that will trigger major new scientific and technological advances, both in neuroscience and in other disciplines, and strongly encourages high-risk, high-impact research, transformative research. Workshop participants are encouraged to explore possibilities that go beyond conventional disciplinary boundaries, existing collaborative relationships, and organizational or institutional constraints.

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and Santa Fe Institute