
Avril Kenney

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Revision as of 23:52, 27 May 2010 by Akenney (talk | contribs) (created the page. put stuff I like.)
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Hey there! I guess I should introduce myself here.

I've just finished my third year as an undergrad at MIT.
I like math and computer science because they make sense, and I like studying people because they don't make sense.
I like things that are logical. Sometimes I have strong opinions but they can change easily. I try not to have definite beliefs. I do things because they're fun. I enjoy philosophizing and arguing. I'm not particularly interested in saving the world.
I like wandering and walking, looking at things, climbing on things. Sometimes I like people. Occasionally I say things.
I'm interested in how language works, in how people can tell what other people are thinking, and in how people can learn complicated things starting with not much prior information. I'm majoring in cognitive science and computer science. I don't know what I'm doing after college.

I'm going to SFI because it sounds like there are a lot of smart people doing interesting research there.