
Damian Blasi

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

(To be completed soon)

I'm finishing a MSc in Complex Systems at Instituto Balseiro in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.


Interdisciplinary research on language is my main interest, although my approaches were restricted almost exclusively to statistics, complex networks and stochastic processes. Like many others, I'm puzzled by the numerous universal features that language exhibits and their implications -many of them obscure yet- in relation with human evolution, intelligence and the emergency of conscience. I use to spend a considerable portion of my spare time reading humanities and social sciences, so I'm naturally motivated to apply (where circumstances are propitious) methods and ideas of complexity to those fields.


I graduated in physics, so I'm familiar with classical complexity fields like dynamical systems, stochastic processes, game theory, population dynamics, graph theory, synchronization and general non-linear phenomena. I've employed a wide variety of numerical and computational methods, that range from Montecarlo and Molecular Dynamics to Neural Networks. Although I program mainly in C, I also use Mathematica, Pajek and standard software for data analysis.

Projects for the CSSS

(I would write something here soon...) I'm looking for stimulant topics to work at -regardless the subject and if they are related or not with my declared interests.