Just saying hello here -- other work-related stuff is below. Tried to find a photo bushwalking in the Australian mountains, but I'm usually behind the lense, rather than infront of it, so this is the best I could do -- walking in the Malverns -- hills near to where my sister was studying in Oxford, GB. The other pic is taken
[[Image:angus-malverns.jpg|frame|Walking in the Malverns (GB) with my nephew, Lachlan.]]
[[Image:angus-malverns.jpg|frame|Walking in the Malverns (GB) with my nephew, Lachlan.]]
<div style="padding:5px;background-color:whitesmoke;border:1pt solid gray;">NB: The following is a slender version of [ Simon's home page at the UNSW School of Economics Theory Group wiki]. Stay here, or go there as you please, though both are in that strange third-person voice (!).</div>
Just saying hello here -- other work-related stuff is below. Tried to find a photo bushwalking in the Australian mountains, but I'm usually behind the lense, rather than infront of it, so this is the best I could do -- walking in the Malverns -- hills near to where my sister was studying in Oxford, GB. The other pic is taken of a beautiful stand of Eucalyptus trees (mainly ''Eucalyptus pilularis'' (Blackbutt) or ''E. saligna'' (Sydney Blue Gum)) in the Blue Gum Forrest -- a famous walking destination to the West of Sydney, Australia, where I work. Sadly, the forrest is mostly destroyed now due to bushfires that hit in the recent Summer. A shame, but I thought I'd share them with you all the same.
<i>OK, so I may not have the curls in Santa Fe..</i><br>
| +61 2 9385 3334
| +61 2 9313 6337
School of Economics
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 NSW
== Brief Bio ==
[[Image:angus-bluegum.JPG|frame|The Blue Gum forrest, Blue Mountains National Park, West of Sydney, Australia.]]
(apologies for the third-person view, see note above..!)
Simon joined the [http://www.unsw.edu.au University of New South Wales] [http://www.economics.unsw.edu.au School of Economics] to begin PhD studies in 2002. Prior to which he graduated with a B.Sc (Industrial Chemistry) and B.A.(Pols) from the same institution, completing honours in the [http://www.camd.unsw.edu.au Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD)] where he investigated self-organizing polymer films (see publications below). In 2004 he was accepted into the [http://www.santafe.ed Santa Fe Institute (SFI)]'s [http://zia.hss.cmu.edu/econ/cw04.html Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity], lead by [http://zia.hss.cmu.edu/miller/ John Miller] and [http://www.cscs.umich.edu/~spage/ Scott Page ], which was ''great'' fun. Since then, he has had a continuing involvement with the ''Network Theory Working Group'', formed out of the [http://www.dar.csiro.au/css/index.htm Complexity Science theme] at the [http://www.csiro.gov.au CSIRO].
I'm working at the [http://www.economics.unsw.edu.au School of Economics, University of NSW], Sydney, Australia. My background is in engineering/chemistry, and have continued to be fascinated by self-organizing systems -- then studying self-organizing polymer membranes, and now, studying self-organizing/endogenous network formation processes in human interaction networks. This means working in game theory, graph theory, and computational modelling of human behaviour -- specifically trying to ask, What is the outcome of a system of interacting individuals who are able to change their interaction environment ''themselves''? Follow the link below for more info on this, including my recent PhD dissertation on the topic.
He recently received his Ph.D. and currently works as a Lecturer in the School. His teaching mostly involves the honour of delivering and developing the first year ''Quantitative Methods A'' (QMA) course, and currently helping out the second/third-year course in ''Game Theory and Business Strategy''.
Other than walking, other things I'm into include going to church (I currently attend [http://www.unichurch.unsw.edu.au Unichurch, UNSW]), mountain running (see [ The B-List]) and road and mountain biking.
==Non-Research Interests==
I was in Santa Fe in 2004 and am looking forward to becoming an 'ossy' again...
I'm hoping to do some running and riding in Santa Fe. Last time at St John's found some nice running up towards the Santo Christo mountains from the back of the campus... Let me know if you'd like to head out for a run some time.
* Mountain Running (see [ B-List], a running group loosely associated around runs starting with 'B');
* Cycling, bushwalking, photography etc.
See you in Santa Fe!
Simon's research interests are eclectic due to his background, but currently fall roughly into areas such as:
* [http://www.latex-project.org LaTeX] document preparation programming (including the use of excellent packages such as [http://latex-beamer.sourceforge.net/ Beamer] and [http://www.tug.org/PSTricks/ PSTricks] in lecture preparation and delivery)
* Integration of the above two
* (and recently) Wiki development
====Recent/Current Work====
* Angus, S.D.; `Endogenous Economic Networks: Cooperation, Communication and Complexity', PhD Dissertation, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia (2007).
* [ Simon's homepage at the Theory Group wiki]
* Angus, S.D.; `Cooperation Networks: Endogeneity \& Complexity' (submitted July 2006 to the ''Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation'', in first-revision stage).
* Masson, V. and Angus, S.D.; `Network Structure and Strategic Convergence in a Model of Neighbors versus Strangers' (in preparation).
* Angus, S.D.; `A Noncooperative Model of Network Formation (''Econometrica'', '''68'''(5) (2000), 1181--1229) ' Comment.
* Angus, S.D.; `Endogenous Communication Networks with Boundedly Rational Agents' (in preparation).
Revision as of 01:36, 3 May 2007
G'day all,
Walking in the Malverns (GB) with my nephew, Lachlan.
Just saying hello here -- other work-related stuff is below. Tried to find a photo bushwalking in the Australian mountains, but I'm usually behind the lense, rather than infront of it, so this is the best I could do -- walking in the Malverns -- hills near to where my sister was studying in Oxford, GB. The other pic is taken of a beautiful stand of Eucalyptus trees (mainly Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt) or E. saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)) in the Blue Gum Forrest -- a famous walking destination to the West of Sydney, Australia, where I work. Sadly, the forrest is mostly destroyed now due to bushfires that hit in the recent Summer. A shame, but I thought I'd share them with you all the same.
The Blue Gum forrest, Blue Mountains National Park, West of Sydney, Australia.
I'm working at the School of Economics, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia. My background is in engineering/chemistry, and have continued to be fascinated by self-organizing systems -- then studying self-organizing polymer membranes, and now, studying self-organizing/endogenous network formation processes in human interaction networks. This means working in game theory, graph theory, and computational modelling of human behaviour -- specifically trying to ask, What is the outcome of a system of interacting individuals who are able to change their interaction environment themselves? Follow the link below for more info on this, including my recent PhD dissertation on the topic.
Other than walking, other things I'm into include going to church (I currently attend Unichurch, UNSW), mountain running (see The B-List) and road and mountain biking.
I was in Santa Fe in 2004 and am looking forward to becoming an 'ossy' again...