
Zhiyuan Song

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

About Myself

Hi everyone!

I'm now a 2nd-year PhD student in Stanford, majored in ecology and evolutionary biology. My general research interest is in the evolution and development of social behavior, especially cooperation in all types of life. Specifically, I am working on communications between individuals by signaling, with two-tier or multi-tier models which couple slow changing processes (e.g., evolutionary dynamics) and fast changing processes (e.g., learning and population dynamics). In addition, I'm also interested in community-based conservation and behavioral economics with the question how real people play public goods games in different social contexts. The tools I am frequently using includes game theory, population genetics, experimental economics, and computer simulation.

Expectation for CSSS

I'm keen on learning new methodologies and philosophy to analyze the complex social networks. On the other hand, due to my interdisciplinary interests, I'm looking forward to exchanging experience and ideas, and cooperating with other young scholars with diverse backgrounds. I believe it could be highly productive, and making friends is certainly exciting itself.

Project Ideas

I've no concrete ideas yet about the project. In general, a project on cooperation with communication on a social network in a population or a meta-population will be a wonderful niche for me.


zysong at stanford dot edu