
Stochastic Thermodynamics II - Programme

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki


Programme overview:
The workshop will be split over the week of the 17-21 May 2021, with each day focusing on a separate application area of stochastic thermodynamics. A tutorial day on Thursday 13 May will provide a graduate student-level introduction to the fundamentals of the topics that will be explored in detail in the workshop itself.

Each day will be relatively short, and timed to enable as much participation as possible from across the globe.

Workshop agenda:
The workshop agenda, including the final schedule and the list of abstracts, can be downloaded here.

Date Topic
13 May 2021 Tutorials
17 May 2021 Physics and Chemistry
18 May 2021 Biophysics
19 May 2021 Active Matter
20 May 2021 Quantum Stochastic Thermodynamics
21 May 2021 Stochastic Thermodynamics and Information Theory