SFI Medical Short Course 2016 - Interest Group Meetings 2016
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We will be holding interest group meetings during the course, these can manifest in two ways:
1. You can meet with a small group to discuss a specific topic, email education@santafe.edu with potential topics for discussion groups and to sign up for topics
2. Or you can use this time to have an in-depth one-on-one meeting with a participant that is of interest to you (I will distribute a participant list)
Please submit interest group topics before 1pm on the 13th. We will post sign up sheets over the afternoon break on the 13th.
Interest Group Meetings
Interest Group 1: A network theory approach to diagnostic pathways
Meeting Space: Portal
Interested: Bob Wolber, Patricia Wang, Ethan Davenport
Interest Group 2: Quality as a statistically emergent phenomena
Meeting Space: Noyce Conference Room
Interested: Bob Wolber, Seth Starner, Bryan Ressler, Murray Feldstein
Interest Group 3: Orphan Treatments
Meeting Space: Collins Conference Room
Getting medical research into medical practice is fraught with obstacles - not just scientific and medical but also financial, regulatory, administrative, social, and cultural. These “valleys of death” mean that patients do not receive treatments that are actually known to be effective, but may become orphan drugs, devices or practices. And yet in our society real orphans can survive, given foster parents or adoptive parents, to become self-supporting and productive members of our ecosystem. Why not orphan treatments? The health care system is complex, and getting new treatments into practice requires some understanding of this complexity.
Interested: Graham Creasey
Interest Group 4: Complex systems approach to understanding human aging
Meeting Space: Transitional Space (to Pods) Oval Conference Table
Interested: Heather E. Whitson, Bryan Ressler
Interest Group 5: Understanding and managing complexity in health care quality improvement
Meeting Space: Pod A Circular Conference Table
Interested: Meghan Lane-Fall, Aaron Miller, and Andy Valenciano
Interest Group 6: Grantsmanship and strategies to obtain research funding for complexity-based research in medicine, whether it be clinical, basic science, or translational research.
Meeting Space: Pod A Conference Room
Interested: Elizabeth Lusczek