SFI Bibliography
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
This wiki is to keep track of agreements that are made upon the SFI staff responsible for maintaining and updating the SFI bibliography. Interim Decisions appear at the top. Until we can figure out a better way, the meeting minutes follow.
Interim Decisions
SFI proceedings volume chapters should be included in the Bibliography; however, it makes sense to wait for the SIS project to be completed. In the interim, we could enter the SFI volumes—as long as they are clearly identified—like we do other proceedings volumes. Laura will begin this entry, as time allows, starting with the most recent volume. [2-5-07]
Margaret and Ronda agreed that chapters in books or proceedings volumes are appropriate for inclusion in the SFI Bibliography. Later we may want to add oral presentations, reports, posters, and the like—once we have a decent web search mechanism for targeted searchers. [2-7-07]
Laura and Ronda agreed that it is premature to include key words in the Bibliography until we deal overall with metadata at SFI. [2-15-07]
We will include the digital object identifier (DOI), in addition to the page numbers, in the bibliography. Laura and Ronda will determine a field to use. [4-13-07]
Laura and Ronda will evaluate different output options from EndNote to see which will best suit our purposes. For example, the most recent export included the abstract full text which is unnecessary, and Margaret has recently asked how the DOI will appear. [4-13-07]
Now that SIS is being implemented, we have picked up discussion of the Bibliography again, including preparation for conversion/migration from EndNote to some new option. We decided to include the SFI taxonomy information in the "Type of Article" field in EndNote. Taxonomy information should be entered with initial capitalization. From the ISI information, both keywords and keywords+ will be entered into a single field--"Keywords"--with keywords entered first, then the keyword+. Each keyword entity will be separate by a semicolon and be entered in all lowercase characters. We clarified that ISI provides information about the type of publication (in parentheses at the end of the title) and searches on the listed co-affiliations of the authors. Laura has agreed to begin entry of current and past abstracts into the bibliographic list. [2-1-08]
02/28/07 SFI Bibliography updated by Laura and posted by Nate. Includes the 55 volumes from the SFI SISOC series as individual volumes. Later, individual chapters will be listed.
02/28/07 to 3/2/07 SIS Project is discussed at SFI, and Margaret, Laura, and Ronda participate in this discussion regarding metadata, bibliography, and publications.
04/04/07 Laura has posted the March additions and included all 55 of the books from SFI SISOC book series; individual chapter entries will be added as time allows.
Meeting regarding the SFI Bibliography, January 24, 2007 (revised)
Attendees; Margaret Alexander, Ronda Butler-Villa, Laura Ware, Elisabeth Johnson, and Della Ulibarri
Bibliography Status
Laura has updated the SFI Bibliography to include references from the Update through January 2007. We are working out some glitches but this is posted on the web.
We have three sources of reference information: (1) SFI Bibliography for items in print, (2) a second EndNote file of submitted items, and (3) SFI working papers database. Items (1) and (3) are available on the web.
Current Procedures
Once, Della has asked researchers for their new publications, prior to the NSF annual report last spring. We tentatively agreed that Della would send out an e-mail in March to query researchers for such publications, with responses going to Margaret for verification of the reference (accurate, complete, etc.). [We discussed whether this trace e-mail should come from Della or Margaret.] As a start, response from researchers should be sent to library@santafe.edu, but Della will make the requests (because she had a good response to her 2006 request).
Margaret will then forward this information to Laura for inclusion in the EndNote files—either the bibliography or submitted items. In addition, Margaret checks for “SFI references” via ISI and forwards this information to Laura and Della for the Update. Margaret will also look into an expanded ISI search to include the acknowledgments. [ISI searches title, author’s keywords, abstracts, and address words for “Santa Fe Inst/”; no further capability is available.] Laura enters the forwarded references at least once each month into the EndNotes files, usually when the Update is produced.
Laura will also compile a list of “submitted” papers from the responses that Della and Margaret receive. [While it would be helpful to contact researchers twice each year, for now we will provide requests and monitor other sources of information.]
Laura checks for duplicates in the EndNote file, provides consistent style, and exports data files which she sends to the IT group for posting on the web site (monthly).
The library staff will trace “submitted” items in the second EndNote database. If they find it overwhelming, they will ask others for assistance.
We agreed that it would be useful to data users to know when the Bibliography has been reposted. Margaret will check with Nate to see if we can add a “date posted” to the Bibliography on the SFI web site.
We decided that the link to the working paper is useful but need not be posted on the web. Margaret, Laura, and Ronda will discuss this later. Later: Laura and Margaret discussed adding information about a related working paper to EndNote entries to the sfi bibliography. Laura will do this, but the info. will not appear on the web version of the sfi bibliography. Laura and Margaret went over current entries in the sfi bibilography and noted omissions in the page numbers. Margaret and Joy will work on these. April 6, 2007.
Elisabeth will need a database of bios for researchers submitting grants. This is a potential source of “new” publications so we need to devise a means of getting at least the publication information to Margaret. Such bios are used for grant applications.
Ronda will also work on how to get publication information for annual reviews, if any, for inclusion in the Bibliography.
Data from the Bibliography needs to be searchable to month and year due to presidential requests for information for meetings or reports, grant terms, etc. Ronda and Laura will discuss how to include the month and year of each publication, and will document how we will determine this. If Elisabeth or Della need such an information sort, they can contact Laura to provide this information to them in a text file.
Items should move from the “submitted” file to the Bibliography only after Margaret has verified publication.
We will use the same criteria for submission to the Bibliography that we use for working papers. For questionable submissions, we will ask Chris for his determination.
According to Chris, we will rely on the external faculty to inform us of papers which relate to work at SFI. In other words, our references come from two sources, 1) the authors themselves and 2) from services like ISI which alert us when an author uses SFI as an affiliation.Mba@santafe.edu 14:28, 16 February 2007 (MST)
Tabled Discussion Items
• What are the “big picture” results that we would like to see from the SFI Bibliography? (SIS)
• How do we capture ALL publications? What does “all” mean?
• Who is an SFI author?
• How do we, or should we, link working papers (or their successors) with the published papers?
• What do we want to ask of Nate/Atty? For example, how does the EndNote interface with the big picture of our needs?
• What additional fields, such as date of publication submission and date of publication, are needed in EndNote for our long-term needs? What other fields will we need, under SIS, for inclusion in our search capabilities?
RKBV 1-25-07; rev. 1-30-07